O Virtue, how great thou guide me
O how thou open my eyes to see Before thee, I walked my life dark & scared Alas, with thou rules, I became prepared Justice is Grand, Justice is Righteous Justice Trumps Evil, evil, is a virus Tradition is Pure, Tradition is True Tradition guides us, to see things through Courage is Braved, Courage has honor The World Dragon hath been slain upon her Wisdom is light, wise as the owl Around The World, Wisdom will take me as far as the water fowl Zeal is passion, Zeal is like a tree Cut out Zeal, & fall into sloth I will be Prudence is needed, & never conceded Prudence gave me success, I hath succeeded Patience is forgiving, Patience is Merciful Patience is Kind, Patience is monarchical Humility is heroic, humility is the call Pride is tall, o how the mighty shalt fall Knowledge is needed, knowledge is gathered Ignorance will kill, ignorance is baffered Execellence is Superlative, Excellence is brillant Excellence is The Superior Leader, Excellence is resilient O Virtue, O Virtue, how thou Guide me O How vice wilt try to capture me O How thy light guides me home In thy light, I shalt Roam
AboutPoems and Ode written by The World Aloha |