The Classic World of TroyIntroduction
The Classical World Civilization of Troy also known as Troja, Illion, Ilios, Illium or Troia is located in Anatolia in Today's World. The people who inhabited Troja are called The Trojans. Troja is the place of Legend being the setting of the story The Iliad by Homer, the grounds of The Trojan War and also the people who fled Troja after its fall are believe to be The Roman Italians (Latins) in Today's World! The Start of Troja Troys History is split into it's 10 Major incarnations, Troy 1, Troy 2, Troy 3, Troy 4, Troy 5, Troy 6, Troy 7A, Troy 7B, Troy 8 & Troy 9. Troy 1 was founded in the Third Millennium B.C. during The Bronze Age. Troy 1 had a giant wall surrounding its borders to protect it from invaders. The Citadel it surrounded was not big however, for it was only 90 Meters or about 300 feet tall. A Citadel is a fortress that is usually on high ground that Dominates and protects a city, like Troy for example. Due to the located of The Ancient City of Troy, it was able to Juggernaut in The Dardanelles; a narrow Straight that is Internationally significant in Turkey to this day, with absolute control of its waters. Whether of not there was A King of Troy 1 is unknown Today. Troy 1 was not destroyed by fire or invasion but in fact was demographically changed by peoples of a different culture. Troy 1 was now taken over. Troy II Troy II was founded 400 years after Troy 1 in 2600 B.C. The big difference between Troy 1 & II are the size and space the two had. Troy II was about twice the size of Troy 1 with a High Upper Citadel and a lower town within its walls. The King of Troy II lived in Palace that was Megaron style; common in Classical World Greece, in The Upper Acropolis. Troy II was destroyed by a Big Fire and was no more around 2250 B.C. Troy II lasted 350, 50 years shy of lasting as long as Troy 1 did. Troy III, IV & V Troy III was founded in 2250 B.C. After the fire The Trojans rebuilt Troy bigger than before, but throughout Troy III to V, there is evidence of economic downturn by reason of houses being smaller and more compact than in Troy II. The Walls of Troy III, IV & V were still magnificent however, bringing evidence that The Kings of Troy were perhaps not feeling the impact of the economic decline. The focus also seemed to be on defending Troy and not expanding Troy to other territories. Troy IV was founded in 2100 BC and Troy V was founded in 1950 BC. Troy IV Troy VI was founded around 1900 B.C. Troy IV was a massive by Ancient World Standards with a population around 5000 to 10,000 People. Troy IV is recognized by it's pillars at the south gate. It is thought that pillars were used for Religious purposes as opposed to practical structures for personal use. Mycenaean pottery found in Troy IV is evidence of trade with The Greeks still being active. Troy IV is believed to have been destroyed by an Earthquake in 1250 B.C. Troy 7A Troy 7A was founded in 1300 B.C. It is believed that it was built atop the ruins of Troy VI. Troy 7A Trojans moved within the walls of the citadel due to the threat of the Mycenaeans. Troy 7A is thought to have been the sight of The Trojan War. The Trojan War The Trojan war started in either the 13th or 12th Century B.C. The Trojan War was battled between The Trojans & The Classical World Greeks. The Trojan War started when Paris, son of The Trojan King, stole Helen from Menelaus from Sparta; her husband. Agamemnon, Menelaus's Brother, wanting to deliver Helen of Troy; his brother's wife back into his brother's arms; began The Trojan War! Many of the events of The Trojan War were told in The Iliad written by Homer; A Classical World Greek. The Trojan War was fought for 10 Years. The war ended when The Greek built a colossal wooden horse and hid themselves with it. This giant wooden horse would be called The Trojan Horse. When The Trojans brought The Trojan Horse into their walls the Greeks came out and sacked The City of Troy. The Greeks hath won the war. It is believed that some of the fleeing Trojans would later hath founded Roma, The Roman Empire. Troy 7B Troy 7B was founded in the 1200's B.C. by new settlers. Not much is known about these settlers and they disappeared at around 1100 B.C. Troy VIII Troy VIII was founded in 700 B.C. Troy VIII was controlled by many different Nations and Cities. After the defeat of Persia by Greeks, Mytilene controlled Troy VIII until the Mytilenean revolt and Athens brought Freedom to Troy. In 399 Sparta controlled Troy. Control of Troy went back and forth for many years until its sacking in 85 B.C. by Rome. Troy IX Troy IX was founded in 85 B.C by The Roman Empire. The Siege of Troy by The Roman General Fimbria lasted eleven days. Troy was returned to The Trojans; The Romans now. The city had financial woes even though in had praise from The Romans. This situation was not helped in 80 B.C. when Pirates attacked Troy. Julius Caesar awarded benefactions to Troy because of its loyalty in The Mithridates Wars. Both Julius Caesar and Emperor Augustus Caesar took part in rebuilding Troy. During Emperor Constantine's reign, The Emperor had plans to build Troy a new Capital but instead those efforts were spent building Constantinople. Over time Troy's population grew smaller and smaller until eventually it slowly and quietly became abandon. The final lasted until 500 A.D or 550 A.D. A soft ending for a long lasting Legendary city. Troy would not be found for about 1500 Years. Troy X Troy X or Troy 10 would be the next era of Troy. Whether or not Troy will be rebuilt in Today's World or in the future is yet to be known. This is unlikely due to Troy now being a historic site and rebuilding it may destroy The Ancient structures of The Classical World. Conclusion The Ancient City of Troy in whole lasted around 3500 Years. It's been through a lot. Having 9 incarnations it is a testament that anything, no matter how damaged, can rise again from the ashes. We too, can do the same. Just like Troy, we can fall and crumble to the ground and still rise up again. Each time getting stronger and better and learning from our mistakes. Just like Troy, we also can become Legendary.
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