Introduction Venus, a hot rocky planet is the second closest to The Sun. Venus is in the middle of both Mercury and The Earth. It's old, it's beautiful and it will make burn you if you touch it, Venus, The Second World A close up of The hottest planet Venus is 4.503 Billion years old, it formed much the same way Mercury did, a large amount of gas and dust, falling under the weight of gravity in order to become a big rock that revolved around The Sun today. A year on Venus looks a lot more like a year on Earth than Mercury does, lasting 225 Earth Days. The Days on Venus however, are still very long and is still longer than a year, but not by much. A day on Venus is 243 Earth days. It's days are actually longer than Mercury's day, which are 176 Earth Days. This makes Venus very hot, hotter than Mercury in fact which is closer to The Sun than Venus is. On average Venus is 864 Degrees Fahrenheit or 462 Degrees Celsius while Mercury is 801 degrees Fahrenheit. Why s this however? This is can be chalked up to the longer days, however, Venus is farther away from The Sun than Mercury, so how can it be hotter? It's hotter because of its atmosphere. Venus's atmosphere acts as a heat vacuum, sucking in and containing the heat from The Sun, making Venus way hotter than Mercury could; Mercury doesn't even have an atmosphere, it never stood a chance in beating Venus in this bout. The Roman goddess Venus Venus receives its name from The Roman goddess Venus. Venus is the goddess of Love, Sex, Beauty and Fertility. Venus is the only female named planet in The Solar System. It was named Venus because of its brightness, illuminated brighter than the five other planets known at the time of it's naming. Venus's greek equivalent was Aphrodite the Greek goddess of Victory, fertility and prostitution. Conclusion Venus is the hottest planet in The Solar System. Venus proves that just because thou art closer to something hot, doesn't mean thou art necessarily the hottest object there is. It takes a lot more than proximity to The Sun in order for a planet to be hot. Atmosphere and other factors can attribute to the surface temperature of a planet and without an atmosphere, the temperature of a planet can drastically change. Venus is a hot planet, and it has its atmosphere to thank for that.
Mercury, The First World in The Solar System. The planet that is closest to The Sun. It's years are short but it's days are not.Mercury, The hot rock of speed and mythological legend. Mercury, The First World. The First World's Start Mercury hath been around for 35.98 Million Earth Years. 4.5 Billion years, The gas and dust that would go on to become Mercury was pulled in together by gravity. Today that gas and dust is a solid rock known as Mercury. Mercury's Unique qualities Mercury's close proximity to The Sun makes its years very short relative to The Earth, only lasting 88 Earth days. To put that in perspective a typical University semester is 75 Earth days. It's days must be very short, right? Strangely, no! A day of Mercury is 176 Earth days. That's right, a day of Mercury is longer than a year on Mercury. So it revolves around The Sun faster than it rotates all the way around, because of this, Mercury's Days are Extremely Hot and Mercury's Nights are Extremely cold. During a Day on Mercury, Mercury's surface temperature can reach 801 degrees Fahrenheit or 427 degrees Celsius. Mercury's surface temperature at Night can be negative 290 degrees Fahrenheit or negative 180 degrees Celsius. Mercury is a weird planet by Earth's standards. The Roman god Mercury The First World received its title from The Roman god Mercury, Mercurius. Mercury, in mythology, was known for being the god of shopkeeping and merchants, travelers and transporters, & thieves and tricksters. The planet like The Roman god is known for it's/his speed. The Roman god Mercury, like it Greek equivalent Hermes, was the messenger of the gods. Conclusion Mercury is a strange world that flips our very notion of days and years on it's head. It proves that The Universe does not conform to Man's set notions of time and that we shouldn't be so narrow in thought when we study Space. Space is not always what we see and when we study Space, we should consider all possibilities, for the weirdest most unlikely solution, may be the correct answer. the sunIntroduction The Sun, The center of The Solar System. The Power of The Solar System, The Super Power to be honest. Without The Sun, there would not be The Solar System, no Mercury, no Neptune & no Earth which means, no us. The Solar Power from The Sun gives us life. No Sun, No life. Where did our Sun come from however? What are its origins? Let's see the life of The Sun. The Origin of The Sun The Sun is 4.603 Billion Years old. In the beginning The Sun and all the planets in The Solar System were a molecular cloud of gas and dust. Around 4.57 Billion year ago, this molecular cloud collapsed under the weight of its own gravity. The Sun was now a protostar. The Sun would remain a protostar for 100,000 Years. The Next Stage for The Sun The Sun after being a protostar for long while was ready for the next step. The Sun became a Tauri Star. The Sun was a berserk hot powerful star that roared solar winds across the primeval solar system. This stage is where many of the things that are in The Solar System today were created. The Sun's Tauri Star phase lasted for a scant millions of years. The Main Sequence of The Sun Now The Sun is all grown up. It is a full star an adult star to put it simply. The Sun is now a Main Sequence Star. This happened after The Tauri Star phase of The Sun ended. It stabilized and is now a regular Hydrogen and Helium producer colossal ball of sweltering plasma. The Sun Today make up 99.86 Percent of the mass in The Solar System, that's insane considering how big Jupiter and Saturn are alone. That makes the Earth seem small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. In fact over one million Earths can fit inside of The Sun! The precise measurements of its mass is 1.989 X 10^30 kilograms. That's a ton of zeros! The Sun also has a radius of 432,170 Miles and it's 92.96 Million Miles away from Earth! Just to put that in perspective a Marathon race is 26.2 Miles, and the distance from New York City to Rome, Italy is a measly 4279 Miles. That's a long race to The Sun. Plus once you'd get there you would die. The surface temperature of The Sun is 5,778 degrees Kelvin which is 9941 degrees Fahrenheit and 5505 degrees Celsius. The Sun is one big scorching bright far-way over-powering element creating ball of flaming plasma. The Future of The Sun Our Sun is big and powerful now, but guess what. It's only going to get bigger. The Sun will eventually grow to be even greater in size than it is now. Our Sun will no longer be a Sun-Like Star, ironic to say the least, it will have become a Red Giant. It will be so large that the current position of The Earth will be inside of it. At this state in our Sun's life, it's days are number, it will have about 120 Million years left. Our Sun will be a gigantic big red ball of death. RIP The Sun The death will begin when the inner cores Helium begins to deteriorate and start to flash from The Sun in big powerful bursts. The Sun will begin to wane for 200 Million years and will eventually cool into a White Dwarf. The White Dwarf Sun will remain for Trillions of Years before turning off the light and becoming Black. The death of The Sun. Conclusion The thought of the thing that gives us Aloha "The Breath of Life" dying paints a meek and melancholy picture. This should not make us mournful however, for first of all, this is trillions of years away, the universe is only 13.8 Billion Years old, so this is farther away than the age of The Universe, a very long time. Also The Universe has a circle of life just like us humans. When one thing dies, something else is born. A new sun will be born somewhere in the universe and the life of the stars will continue on. Do not let the death of The Sun get thee down, for death is just a part of life and The Universe will roll on. Our Sun may die, but there are more just like it than grains of sand on Earth. That's something to be amazed and hopeful about. The Universe will continue to live on eon after eon, and so will the stars in sky. Introduction
The Solar System is system of Planets, Asteroids, Moons, and more orbiting the Sun. There are many like ours, however, this discussion will be on our own for the most part. The planetary order traditionally goes Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto. Various planets have moons like Jupiter & Earth. Mars and Jupiter are separated by a colossal ring of rocks known as The Asteroid belt. Pluto has been classified as a dwarf planet, due to its small size and other factors. The Solar System is surrounded by a huge cluster of space dust known as the Oort Cloud. The Universe is vast and complex but that does not mean that The Solar System is small and simplistic. The Solar System itself has many unique things about it. It is worth exploring. The Age of The Solar System The Solar System is 4.571 Billion years old. The Universe, for scale, is only a little over three times the age of The Solar System. The Solar System is old, but it has a long way to go, for a star can live to be older than the universe currently is; 15 billion years (The Universe is 13.8 Billion Years old). Plus when a Sun-Like Star dies, a planetary nebula is born, this means in theory that The Solar System could be around indefinitely, except it wouldn't be a solar system but just a planetary system since there is not a star present. The Sun The Sun is 4.603 Billion Years old, older than The Solar System. This only makes sense since you need a Star in order for there to be a solar system. The Sun is the center of The Solar System. Everything in The Solar System revolves around The Sun, Heliocentric. It's the big boss & what it says, goes. Without The Sun, life on Earth, could not exist. A lot of the material in The Solar System comes from The Sun. In a way, The Sun is The Solar System. Mercury Mercury, the planet not the element, is 4.503 Billion Years Old. It is the closest to The Sun and has the fastest revolution around The Sun compared to all the other planets in The Solar System. It takes 87.97 Earth Days to make a complete orbit around The Sun. This is about Three Earth Months. Venus Venus is also 4.503 Billion Years Old. Venus is the hottest planet in The Solar System, due to its atmosphere, with an average temperature of a whooping 462 Degrees Celsius or 864 Degrees Fahrenheit. That'll burn the cookies in the oven and the house too. Earth Earth is 4.543 Billion Years Old. Older than both Mercury and Venus. Earth is the only known planet that supports life in Today's World. This is unique not just in The Solar System, but in The Whole Universe as far as we known now. Mars Mars is 4.603 Billion Years Old. Mars is a red planet and is believed to have once been a habitat for life itself. However, Today there is no life on Mars. One day it is believe that Mars will have life once more. Jupiter Jupiter is 4.503 Billion Years Old like Mercury and Venus. Jupiter is the largest of all the planets and can fit 1300 Earths inside it's boundaries. Jupiter is a planet made of gas and it is unknown if it has a solid core or not. So far Jupiter has 79 known Moons orbiting it while the Earth has one. Saturn Saturn is 4.503 Billion Years Old just like Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. Saturn is a gas giant like Jupiter. Saturn has gigantic rings orbiting it. Uranus Uranus is 4.503 Billion Years Old just like Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Uranus is a gas giant like Jupiter and Saturn. Uranus is tilted to where it's poles are East and West. Uranus has rings like Saturn but unlike Saturn's near Horizontal rings, Uranus's rings are vertical. Neptune Neptune is 4.503 Billion Years Old just like Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Uranus. Neptune is an ice giant. Neptune is a deep blue like the deep blue sea the Roman god Neptune who it was named after swam in. Pluto Pluto is 4.46 to 4.6 Billion years old. Pluto is the smallest planet in The Solar System. So small that it has been classified as a dwarf planet. Pluto has five moons. Pluto is the coldest planet with an average temperature of Negative 229 degrees Celsius or Negative 380 degrees fahrenheit; perfect place to store food, of course if you are willing to travel 2.66 Billion Miles to 4.67 Billion Miles to get to it. Conclusion The Universe is vast and has maybe unique phenomenons in it. The Solar System, yet small in scope to The Universe, has its own unique things about it that makes it worth exploring and studying for many eons to come. THe life of a starIntroduction
Stars are Awesome, Spectacular, Marvelous spheres of plasma in space. Living things on Earth see them every night and morning in fact; for our own sun is itself; a star. A star starts out as a cloud of bleak molecular gas. This states of things may remain for ages before one day, it collapses due to its own gravity. This may be triggered by a explosion nearby such as a Supernova or a comet. This is the beginning of a protostar. Protostar The protostar can be seen as a infant or baby star; not quite grown, but recognizable as a star. At this stage in a star's life cycle we see the beginning of rock formations known as planets. One can say that this is the start of a solar or planetary system. This era in a stars life last approximately one million years; short in astronomical terms. The universe being thirteen thousand & eight hundred times older than a million year old protostar. Tauri Star The next stage for the young star is the tauri star. A tauri star is born when a protostar stop receiving materials from it's gravitational pull. Now it is releasing a lot of energy; a kin to the baby realizes that breast milk is no longer on the menu; though I'm for certain that the two processes are quite different. Now the star is bright, and this is due to the energy from the gravitational pull of the materials falling into the adolescent star. This part of the star's life last about one hundred million years. Main Sequence Star Up next is the adult star, all grown up and ready to face the world, or worlds perhaps; introducing the Main Sequence Star . The Main Sequence Star comes in many sizes and colors and even temperatures. We have Red Giants, Brown dwarfs, Red dwarfs, Sun-Like Stars & Super Giants that are blue. This phase in a star's life is when it's a element-making juggernaut, pumping out many elements that power worlds like Earth. This is the longest phase in a stars entire life and it lasts around ten to fifteen billion years. That's older than the universe itself!!! A Main Sequence Star lasts a very long time so it's take awhile before what happens next. When the star meets its maker. Oh yes, even stars meet the grim reaper. The Death of a Star Now, many can happen during and after the death of a star. Some results quite beautiful actually. Sometimes Stars explode into Supernovas. Other times they become Supernovas and then collapse into Black Holes. There are times when it skips the whole Supernova steps and go straight to being Black Holes. A star can become a Supernova and then become a Neutron Star. A Neutron Star according to the Oxford Dictionary is "A celestial object of very small radius (typically 18 miles/30 km) and very high density, composed predominantly of closely packed neutrons. Neutron stars are thought to form by the gravitational collapse of the remnant of a massive star after a supernova explosion, provided that the star is insufficiently massive to produce a black hole." Sun-like Stars become Planetary Nebula then White Dwarfs after their time has passed. A Red Dwarf will become a white dwarf. Finally brown dwarfs is the only one who doesn't change; It was born a brown dwarfs, it dies a brown dwarf. There is an array of different outcomes for an array of stars. However, as all things in The World, the star does eventually kick the bucket. Conclusion This fact should not bring sadness however, for the circle of life does exist for stars too. Remember in the beginning, the birth of a star can be caused by a Supernova, a Supernova comes from a dead star, therefore one stars death could trigger the birth of many more stars. The life of stars goes on. This is true in life too. People and animals all get old and eventually pass away, but we leave behind offspring to continue our lives for us and in our predecessors we live on forever. The start of the worldThe World Aloha states that The World is the Super Totally Awesome conglomeration of all the worlds including Stars, Worlds, Planets, Moons, Asteroids, Meteors, Comets, Novae, Supernovae, Nebulae, Giants, Super Giants, Blue Giants, Red Giants, Red Dwarfs, White Dwarfs, Black Dwarfs, Black Holes, Solar Systems, Galaxies, Universes, Multiverses, Omniverses, Outerverse, Metaverses, Gigaverse, Hyperverse, Megaverse, Teraverse and The Everything All. The main theory in Today’s World on The Start of The World is called The Big Bang Theory. The theory declares that before the universe was what it is Today, all matter that would exist was concentrated in a single point thought to be the size of a tiny coin, a singularity; The Primeval Atom. In an instant, this singularity swelled, creating Stars, Worlds, Moons, Asteroids, Meteors, Galaxies and more. Whether or not, it was a Super Power explosion or just a expeditious augmentation is still not completely settled upon. Regardless, Today the universe is stated to still continuously expand. The Big Bang is believed to have happened 13.8 Billion Years ago (the age of the universe). One Million Years Later Atoms formed, creating most of the elements we see in Today's World. After The Action of the Big Bang occurred, The Universe was about the size of The Solar System filled with freely roaming primeval particles of energy known as quarks. After growing a thousandfold the protons and neutrons of the primeval particles executed fusion and gave birth to atomic nuclei. A few of the smaller elements that we see in Today's World were created at this point in time. Around thirty millenniums later, the neutrons became numerous enough to form gas clouds that formed colossal orbs made of plasma people call Stars. Stars, for the majority, are made of the elements Hydrogen and Helium. Stars are a World of elements being created, all the way up to Iron, when Iron is created, this spells doom for the Star. When this happens multiple things can occur including Novae, Super Novae, Neutron Stars, Black Dwarfs, White Dwarfs, Nebulae, Pulsars and Black Holes. Now what happens to a star after it dies all depends on the size and what cycle of death the star is on. Once the universe grew to be 20 percent the size of Today's Universe, stars became different teams in a way known today as galaxies. A Galaxy is a club of stars that are pulled together by the force of gravity. Gravity is a bend in SpaceTime that draws objects of mass together, the rule goes that, the more massive an object is, the more gravitational force it has. SpaceTime is the crossing of the three dimensions of space and single dimension of time together to form a fourth dimensional combination that determines the laws of the universe. A few galaxies present today are The Draco Galaxy, Leo Galaxy, Milky Way Galaxy, Andromeda Galaxy, Messier 87, Virgo Stellar Stream& Canis Major OVerdensity. One question remains however, where do planets, including Earth, come into being? When stars are forming, a disc of pre planetary dust revolves around it. This dust clashes and combines into planetary structures, growing bigger and bigger or even being destroyed, forming moons. Boom! A planet is born. 4.54 Billion years ago, Earth was born. Primeval Earth was hot and uninhabitable by today's standards. However, years later The Earth cooled significantly and something spectacular and rare occurred; Life came to be. Microscopic Single Celled organisms were formed, and Earth's niche was found. Now whether or not other worlds have or had life is unknown today, but it is speculated that Mars or even Venus may have once had complex life on its surface and/or atmosphere. Many planets are unique and special, Earth's thing is Life. Today, The Universe is vast and complex and beautiful & Earth is just a tiny part of a Big Awesome World. SpaceThe Solar System we live in Today is complex with all kinds of astronomical objects occurring within it. Some of these things are The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, The Moon and moons, Mars, The Asteroid Belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Comets & Meteors. Space itself, however, is a vast world of all these astronomical objects and exceptionally more. Space has other solar systems, galaxies, black holes, nebulae, Super Novae, Novae, other planets, Stars (stars like the sun, red giants, Super giants, Black Dwarfs, Brown Dwarfs, White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and such), maybe even other universes and more in its collection. With all of these divergent phenomenon's in space, space is indeed a marvelous work of art; a cornucopia of fascinating matter. The multiverseThe Multiverse theory states that we are not alone, that we are not the only universe, but that there are others; even an infinite number of universes. It might be said that there hath been many big bangs in The World and therefore there would be many, if not infinite universes. One prevailing thought in the multiverse theory is that with these many different choices and events that occurred in this universe, things may have panned out differently. For example, a person in our universe choose to eat Pineapple for breakfast, while in a different that person would have chosen to eat Cherries instead and in and in a different universe choose to eat Pomegranates & so on and so forth. Another thought in this theory is that maybe the laws of physics may be slightly or completely different in these other universes. Though this may be a problematic form of thinking since in mathematics one plus two is always three no matter what and physics depends on mathematics in order to be understood. If gravity is indeed a bend in SpaceTime, then how could gravity be a force that actually repels you from a large body of material like a planet or star? Plus, wouldn't an opposite gravity mean that stars and planets would not be able to form since opposite gravity would act like two positive sides of two magnets? It seems that different universes having different rules of physics would be contradictory and would violate logic and reason. This relative view of different universes seems to be an inferior view while an Absolute view of the universes seems to be Superior. Another problem that is ran into, is the different choices being made. Let's throw this thought experiment out there; If the laws of physics and mathematics are, indeed, absolute, then wouldn't it pre-determined where things will line up in the span of time. If the absolute law of physics determined that the universe we live in would expand the way it did, and that stars formed exactly where they did, then wouldn't that be an argument that different choices living beings make, not be choices at all, but just physics and mathematics working out exactly as it was calculated to have been worked out. This thought does trouble the Philosophical theory of free will. Do living things truly have free will, if everything boils down to a mathematical calculation? It is a hard question to answer and may make a man sleep uneasily. So even if there were multiple and even infinite universes, would it really be different, or just a clone of the one we are in? Either way, the idea of multiple universes, different or a clone, is still an awesome idea to think about. EpilogueWhether people or an alien species can reach into the other universes is yet to be known. Regardless, our universe is ever expanding and the exploration of it is an ever-evolving curiosity that will bring man to the far reaches of the universe and maybe the omniverse. There is a lot more to learn about where we are and maybe someday, we may know everything about The World! |
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