The Atlas, also known as S/1980 S 28, Saturn XV or R/2004 S 1, is a moon orbiting Saturn named after The Classical World Titan famous for holding The World over his head, one reason why a book of maps of The World is called an Atlas. Atlas has a mass of (6.60±0.45)×10^15 Kilograms, a Volume of 14,400 kilometers cubed, a mean radius of 15.1 kilometers and a mean density of 0.46 gram per centimeter cubed. Atlas has a surface gravity of 0.0002 meters per second squared with an escape velocity of around 0.0062 kilometers per second. Atlas has zero axial tilt and temperature of around 81 Kelvin or negative 192.15 degrees Celsius. Profile of Atlas Atlas was discovered on October 1980 by American Astronomer Richard John Terrile using Voyage 1. Atlas was named after The Classical World Atlas due to it holding rings on its shoulders. Atlas has somewhat of a spherical center surrounded by a large, smooth equatorial ridge. It takes Atlas 0.6016947883 Earth Days to Orbit Saturn. The Classical World Atlas Atlas was named after The Classical World god/titan Atlas. After The War between The Olympian gods and The Titans, known as Titanomachy, where The King of The gods Zeus battled his father Kronos for the title of The King of gods, Atlas was punished to hold up the celestial heavens for eternity, so bascially everything which The World Aloha calls The World.
Megaclite, also known as Jupiter XIX or S/2000 J 8, is a moon that orbits Jupiter. Megaclite has a mass of 209,813,580,633,607 kilograms, a volume of 82 kilometers cubed, a radius of 1.6777 miles, a gravity of 0.002 meters per second squared, a density of 2.6 grams per centimeter cubed, a temperature of 124 Kelvin and a mean diameter of 6 kilometers. Megaclite has an orbital period of 792 Earth Days and an orbital velocity of 7898.80 kilometers per hour. Profile of Megaclite Megaclite was discovered in 2000 by American Astronomer Scott Sander Sheppard who was The Leader of a Team of Astronomer at The University of Hawaii. Megaclite belong to the Pasiphae Group, a group of Retrograde Irregular Satellites that follow an orbits at a semi-major axes between 22.8 and 24.1 Million kilometers from Jupiter. Megaclite was named after The Classical World's Megaclite, who was the mother of Thebe and Locrus because of coutius with The King of The gods, Zeus. Introduction
Themisto, also known as Jupiter XVIII, J XVIII, S/1975 J 1 or S/2000 J 1, is a moon orbiting Jupiter. Themisto has a mass of 689,387,479,224,709 kilograms, a volume of around 270 kilometers cubed, a surface area of around 200 kilometers squared, a mean radius of 4 kilometers, a circumference of around 25 kilometers, a diameter of 9 kilometers, a mean density of 2.6 grams per centimeter cubed and a temperature of around 124 Kelvin or Negative 149.15 degrees Celsius. Themisto has an orbital period around Jupiter of 130 Earth Days with an orbital velocity of 14891 kilometers per hour. Profile of Themisto Themisto was discovered first on September 30th, 1975, by American Astronomer Charles Thomas Kowal and American Astronomer Elizabeth Pat Roemer; then rediscovered on November 21th, 2000, by English-American Astronomer David Cliff Jewitt, Canadian-American Astronomer Yang Roland Fernandez and American Astronomer Eugene A. Magnier. The reason for the lost discovery is because an orbit for this moon was not established back in 1975 so it becomes a footnote in the 1980s and wouldn't be rediscovered until 2000. Themisto has a strange orbital patterns as opposed to other Jupiter moons, for unlike the other moons, which orbit in a system like the Galilean moons, Themisto orbits alone. Themisto was named after The Classical World's Themisto would was the daughter of Hypeseus, The King of The Lapiths, and wife of Athamas, The Boeotian King. Introduction
Carpo, also known Jupiter XLVL or S/2003 J 20, is a moon that orbits Jupiter. Carpo has a mass of 44,960,052,992,916 kilograms, a volume of 14 kilometers cubed and a mean diameter of 3 kilometers. Carpo has an orbital period of 456.1 Earth Days with an orbital velocity of 9298 kilometers per hour. Profile of Carpo Carpo was discovered in 2003 by American Astronomer Scott Sander Sheppard who was The Leader of a Team of Astronomers from The University of Hawaii. Carpo tends to incline in orbit around Jupiter every now and then. Carpo was named after The Classical World goddess of The Fruits of The World, Karpo. Karpo was one of the Horae, the goddesses of The Seasons. Introduction
Methone, also known as Saturn XXXII or S/2004 S 1, is moon orbiting Saturn in between the orbits of both The Moon Mimas and The Moon Enceladus. Methone has a Mass of 8,992,010,598,583 kilograms, a Volume of 17 kilometers cubed, a Mean Radius of 1.45 kilometers and a Mean Density of 0.31 grams per centimeter cubed. Methone has zero axial tilt. Methone has an orbital period of 1.009573975 Earth Days. Profile of Methone Methone was discovered on June 1st, 2004 by The Cassini Imaging Team. Moethone is a egg shaped moonlet with no visible craters and a silky smooth surface. Methone has a ring arc like it's host planet Saturn does. The Ring arc believes to has came to being due to The Blasting Off of material from Methone itself due to small impacts from small meteors. Methone gets its name from MEthone who is one of the seven Alcyonide daughters of The Giant Alcyoneus in The Classical World. Introduction
Thalassa, also known as Neptune IV or S/1989 N 5, is a moon orbiting Neptune. Thalassa is Greek for Sea. Thalassa is the second closest moon to Neptune. Thalassa has an orbital period of 0.31148444 ± 0.00000006 Earth Days. Thalassa has a Mass of 374,667,108,274,298,000 kilograms, a Volume of 288,696 kilometers cubed, a Mean Radius of 40.7 ± 2.8 kilometers, a Mean Density of 1.23 ± 0.43 grams per centimeter cubed and a temperature of around 51 Kelvin or -222.15 degrees Celsius. Profile of Thalassa Thalassa was discovered a little before September 18th, 1989 by New York Astronomer Richard John Terrile and The Voyager Imaging Team using images captured by The Voyager 2 Probe. The name Thalassa would be given to the newly discovered moon on September 16th 1991. Thalassa is a disk-shaped moon believed to be made up of different parts of broken pieces of other moons orbiting Neptune such as Triton. Origin Thalassa is named after The Classical World Primordial goddess of The Sea or Primeval Spirit of The Sea, Thalassa. Thalassa was the daughter of Aether, The Primordial god of the upper sky, and Hemera, The Primordial goddess of the day. Thalassa siblings were Gaia, The Primal Mother Earth goddess, and Uranus, The Primordial god of the sky. Thalassa is known for spawning the storm gods or giants and The tribes of fish. Also Thalassa is the mother of Aphrodite, The goddess of Love, Beauty, Pleasure, passion and procreation, and Halia, a nymph who lived on the island of Rhodes. Thalassa and her husband Pontus, The Primordial Sea god, would one be replaced by new marine god couples, first being Oceanus and Tethys, Titan god and goddess of the sea, and then Poseidon and Amphitrite, Olympian god and goddess of the sea. Introduction
Styx, also known as Pluto V, S/2012 (134340) 1, and S/2012 P, is the second-largest moon orbiting Pluto. Styx has a Mass of 7.5 X 10^15 Kilograms, an axial tilt of 82 degrees and an orbital period of 20.16155 ± 0.00027 Earth Days. Styx is 42,656 kilometers from Pluto. Profile of Styx Styx was discovered on July 26th 2012, by American Research Scientist Mark Robert Showalter using The Hubble Space Telescope. It is believed that all of Pluto's moons, including Styx, came to be by that of an object from the Kuiper Belt collided with Pluto, forming it's five moons (Charon, Styx, Hydra, Nix, Kerberos). Origin Styx receives its name from The Classical World's Titan goddess Styx. Styx was the daughter of The Titans Oceanus and The Titan Tethys. Styx married The Titan Pallas and mothered four kids named Zelus, Nike, Kratos and Bia. However, this is the Styx that the moon Styx owes its name to. For within The Classical World Religion, there is another Styx, but this Styx is neither god, goddess, man or woman; for this Styx is river. The Styx river is one of two rivers which split The Aloha World and The Haole World. Charon would take the dead past the two rivers and into the depths of Hades. Introduction
Charon, also known as Pluto I or S/1978 P 1, is moon that orbits Pluto. Yes, Pluto has moons, 5 to be exact, more than Earth. Charon has an orbital revolution of 6.3872304±0.0000011 Earth Days or 6 Earth Days, 9 Earth Hours, 17 Earth Minutes and 36.7 ± 0.1 Earth Seconds, with an average orbital speed of 0.21 kilometers per second. Charon has a Mass of (1.586 ± 0.015) X 10^21 Kilograms or 12.2 percent of Pluto or 2.66 X 10^-4 Earths, a Volume of (9.32 ± 0.14) X 10^8 kilometers cubed or 0.00086 Earths, a Surface Area of 4.6 X 10^8 Kilometers cubed, a Mean Radius of 606.0 ± 0.5 Kilometers or 0.095 Earths and a Mean Density of 1.702 ± 0.017 grams per centimeter cubed. Charon has a Surface Gravity of 0.288 meters per second squared and an escape velocity of 0.59 kilometers per second. Charon has a temperature of 53 Kelvin or Negative 220 degrees Celsius. Profile of Charon Charon's discovery was announced by The International Astronomical Union on July 7th 1978. Charon was discovered by American Astronomer James Christy using a The 1.55 Meters Telescope at The United States Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station(NOFS). Charon is the sixth-largest trans-Neptunian object in The Solar System. In The Classical World and The Roman World, Charon or Kharon, was the ferryman of Hades. Charon would carries the souls of the dead, the Haole, across The Rivers Styx and Acheron which divided The World of Aloha and The World of Haole, The Living World and Dead World. Introduction
Prospero, also known as Uranus XVIII or S/1999 U 3, is a moon that orbits Uranus, the seventh planet in The Solar System. Prospero has an orbit radius of 16,256,000 kilometers and it takes Prospero 1978.29 Earth Days to orbit Uranus. Prospero has a mass of 8.5 X 10^16 kilograms, a volume of 65,000 kilometers cubed, a density of 1.3 gram per centimeter cubed, a radius of 25 Kilometers and a surface area of 8,000 kilometers squared. Prospero has a temperature of 65 Kelvin or negative 208.15 degrees Celsius. Prospero has a surface gravity of 0.0063 meters per second squared and an escape velocity of 0.021 kilometers per second. Profile of Prospero Prospero was discovered on July 18th, 1999 by Canadian Astronomer John J Kavelaars, Canadian Astronomer Brett James Gladman, Smithsonian Astrophysicist Matthew J Holman, German Astronomer Hans Scholl & French Astronomer Jean-Marc Petit in Hawaii at the Mauna Kea Observatory with Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Prospero was named after the character Prospero from The English Poet William Shakespeare's play, The Tempest who was a sorcerer who turned Caliban into a fish monster. Introduction
Caliban, also known as Uranus XVI or S/1997 U 1, is a moon orbiting the planet Uranus. Caliban takes 1.59 Earth Years or 579.26 Earth Days to orbit around Uranus. Caliban has a mass of 7.4 X 10^17 Kilograms, a Volume of 200,000 Kilometers cubed, a surface area of 16,000 kilometers squared & a diameters of 72 kilometers. Caliban has an average temperature of 65 Kelvin or negative 208.15 degrees Celsius. Profile of Caliban Caliban was discovered on September 6th, 1997 by Australian-born Astronomer Philip D. Nicholson, Canadian Astronomer Brett James Gladman, American Astronomer Joseph A. Burns & John J. Kavelaars at Palomar Obs with the Hale Telescope. The name Caliban for this moon was given to it after the naming of a character from The English Poet William Shakespeare's play The Tempest. Caliban unlike other moons, was not formed by the gravity of Uranus but was rather, capture by the gravitational force of Uranus. Where Caliban came from is unknown but what is thought is not it does not originate from Uranus itself. Introduction
Cupid, also known as Uranus XXVII(Uranus 27) and S/2003 U 2, is an inner satellite of Uranus. Cupid is actually the smallest inner satellite of Uranus, with a mass of around 3.8X10^15 Kilograms and a surface area of around 1000 kilograms squared. Cupid has a mean radius of approximately 9 kilograms, a volume of about 3000 kilograms cubed, a density of around 1.3 gram per centimeter cubed & zero axial tilt. Cupid has an average temperature of around 64 Kelvin or -209.15 degrees Celsius. Cupid has an orbital period of 0.618 Earth Days and an orbital velocity of 31771.20 kilometers per hour. Profile of Cupid Cupid was discovered on August 25th, 2003 by American Research Scientist Jack Jonathan Lissauer and American Scientist Mark Robert Showalter. The darkness and sizeof cupid made in undetectable by the cameras of Voyager 2 when it flew by Uranus in 1986. Cupid's Story Cupid was named after The Classical Roman World's god of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection. Cupid is the son of the goddess Venus, the goddess of Love, beauty, desire, coitus, fertility, prosperity and Victory; she was also an ancestor of Julius Caesar, and the god Mars, the god of War who was also father to Romulus, the founder of Rome and Remus, his brother. Cupid's Classical World counterpart is Eros. Cupid is known for having an arrow that if it hits someone, they fall in love within whomever they set eyes upon first after being struck by thus arrow. Cupid is a popular symbol in the popular holiday Valentine's Day which is known to celebrate Love and Romance. Introduction
Puck, also named Uranus XV, is an inner moon of Uranus and is the largest small inner moon of Uranus. Puck has a mass of around 2.9 × 10^18 kilograms, a volume of about 2,225,000 kilometers cubed, a density of approximately 1.3 grams per centimeter cubed, zero axial tilt, a surface area of around 82,400 kilometers squared and a radius of 81 ± 2 kilometers. Puck has a surface gravity of 0.028 meters per second squared and an escape velocity of 0.069 kilometers per second. The average temperature of Puck is around 64 Kelvin or -209.15 degrees Celsius. It takes Puck 0.76183287 ± 0.000000014 Earth days to orbit Uranus and Puck has an average orbital speed of 8.21 kilometers per second. Profile of Puck Puck was discovered on December 30th 1985 by American Astronomer Stephen P. Synnott using Voyager 2 space probe. Puck was named after a character in English Poet William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream. In English Tradition and Celtic folklore an evil demon named Puck was a vexatious sprite who taunted Christians. The internal structure of Puck is thought to be a combination of water and ice. Puck has been observed to have a lack of craters, in fact Puck is without craters with bright rays entirely in observations of it's surface. Introduction
Oberon, the outermost moon of Uranus, a moon that also goes by the name Uranus IV, is the second largest and second most massive moon of the planet Uranus. Oberon is also ninth place for most massive moon in The Solar System. In fact, Oberon has a mass of (3.076±0.087)×1021 kilograms. Oberon also has a volume of 1,849,000,000 kilometer cubed, a surface area of 7,285,000 kilometers squared, a radius of 761.4±2.6 kilometers, and a density of 1.63±0.05 gram per centimeter cubed. The surface temperature of Oberon is 70 Kelvin to 80 Kelvin or -203.15 degrees Celsius to -193.15 degrees Celsius. Oberon has an orbital period of 13.463234 Earth Days with an average orbital speed of 3.15 kilometers per second. The Surface gravity of Oberon has a surface gravity of 0.346 meters per second squared and an escape velocity of 0.727 kilometers per second. Profile of Oberon Oberon was discovered on January 11th, 1787 by German-Born British Astronomer William Herschel who discovered it on the same day he discovered Titania. Oberon was named after Oberon, The King of The Fairies, in English Poets William Shakespeare's play A MidSummer Night's Dream. Behind Umbriel, Oberon is the second darkest moon of Uranus and its surface is the color red with blue within the newer impact deposits. Oberon has nine known crater, whose names are Ceasar(Julius Caesar), Romeo(Romeo & Juliet), Antony(Mark Antony), Hamlet, Macbeth, Lear(King Lear), Othello, Coriolanus & Falstaff. The belief in the formation of Oberon is that of a sub nebula beginning; an accelerated disc of gas and dust orbiting Uranus and forming into Oberon and other Uranian moons. Introduction
Umbriel, also known as Uranus II, is a moon of Uranus with a Rocky Core and Icy Mantle. Umbriel has a mass of (1.275±0.028)×1021 kilograms, a radius of 584.7±2.8 kilometers and a surface area of 4296000 kilometers squared, which makes Umbriel the third largest moon of Uranus. Umbriel has an orbital period of 4.114 Earth Days and an average orbital speed of 4.67 kilometers per second. Umbriel has a mean temperature of approximately 75 Kelvin or negative 198.15 degrees Celsius and a Maximum temperature of 85 Kelvin or negative 188.15 degrees Celsius. Profile of Umbriel Umbriel was discovered on October 24th, 1851 by English Astronomer William Lassell who discovered Umbriel at the same time as he discovered another moon named Ariel. Umbriel, the moon, was named after a character in English Poet Alexander Pope's play, The Rape of the Lock, who is a dusky melancholy sprite. Umbriel is the darkest of all the Uranian moons since it reflect the least amount of light given by The Sun. Umbriel has a good number of craters whose names are Gob, Wunda, Wokolo, Fin, Minepa, Peri, Alberich, Zlyden, Malingee, Setibos, Skynd, Vuver & Kanaloa. On the surface of Umbriel is water(H20) and Carbon Dioxide(CO2). Introduction
Ariel, a moon of Uranus, is the 4th place when it comes to largest moon of Uranus. Ariel has a mass of 1.353 ± 0.120 × 1021 kilograms or 0.0908 Earths. Ariel has a radius of 578.9±0.6 kilometers and surface area of 4,211,300 kilometers squared. The orbital period of Ariel around Uranus is 2.520 Earth Days and has an orbital speed of 5.51 kilometers per second. Profile of Ariel Ariel was discovered on Late October 1851 by English Astronomer William Lassell. Lassell named Ariel The Moon after sky spirit in Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock and in William Shakespeare's play, The Tempest. In fact all moons of Uranus are named after Shakespeare's Characters. Ariel has a surface gravity of 0.269 meters per second squared and the escape velocity of Ariel is 0.559 kilometers per second. Introduction
Titania, The Eighth Largest Moon in The Solar System is the Largest Moon orbiting Uranus. Titania has a mass of 3.527±0.09 × 10^21 kilograms, a diameter of 1578 Kilometers and a surface area of 7,820,000 kilometers². Titania has an orbital period of 8.7 Earth Days and an average orbital speed of 3.64 kilometers per second. Profile of Titania Named after Titania in English Poet William Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Titania was discovered on January 1787 by German-Born British Astronomer William Herschel. Titania has an average surface temperature of 70±7 Kelvin with a low temperature of 60 Kelvin and a high temperature of 89 Kelvin. The Atmosphere of Titania is mostly made of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) with trace elements of Nitrogen and Methane. Titania has 15 named craters, the names of those craters are: Bona, Elinor, Iras, Adriana, Imogen, Jessica, Marina, Calphurinia Katherine, Lucetta, Ursula, Valeria, Mosa, Mposa & Gertrude. Introduction
Neso, the furthest out moon of Neptune, Neso has the longest orbital period around Neptune. Also known as Neptune XIII, Neso has an orbital period around Neptune of around 9740.73 Earth Days or 26.67 Earth Years. Neso is an irregular moon. The mass of Neso is 164,853,527,640,691,000 kilograms and a diameter 60 kilometers. Profile of Neso Neso was discovered in Mid-August of 2002 by Smithsonians Astrophysicist Matthew J. Holman and Canadian Astronomer Brett J. Gladman. Neso use to be named S/2002 N 4. Introduction
Rhea, The Ninth Largest Moon in The Solar System is one of the moons of the planet Saturn; in fact Rhea is The Second Largest Moon orbiting Saturn. Rhea also goes by the name Saturn V. Rhea has a mass of 2.3065 ×1021 kilograms, a surface area of 7,337,000 kilometers squared and a diameter of 1527.6±2.0 kilometers. Rhea takes 4.5 Earth Days to revolve around Saturn. Profile of Rhea The Moon Rhea, was discovered in Late December of 1672 by Italian Astronomer, Giovanni Domenico Cassini. Apart from being the second largest moon of Saturn, Rhea was also the second moon assini discovered in his Astronomical Career. Rhea has an average orbital speed of 8.48 kilometers per second, a surface gravity of 0.254 m/s² and an escape velocity of 0.635 km/s or 0.394 miles per second or 1418.4 mph(miles per hour). Rhea has a zero axial tilt and a surface temperature of between 53 Kelvin to 99 Kelvin. The goddess Rhea Rhea, The Moon, gets its name from The Traditional Classical World Religion's Titaness Rhea. Rhea was the daughter of The Earth goddess, Gaia, and The Sky god, Father Sky, Uranus. Rhea was also older sister of The Titan Cronus, Father Time, the father of The King of The gods, Zeus; so she would be aunt of Zeus. Also, though she was the wife of Cronus and in turn, Zeus was also her son. Cronus was foretold by his parents Gaia and Uranus, that he himself would be overthrown by his offspring. To prevent this proficy, he ate all of his children after being born. This made Rhea very upset and when her youngest son, Zeus, was born, she hid him away and fed Cronus a BIg Rock covered in a blanket. Her act would lead to Cronus's and The Titans defeat by Zeus and The Olympic gods including the one's Cronus ate. Introduction
Mimas, also known asd Saturn 1, is one of the moons of Saturn. With an orbital period of 0.942 Earth Days, Mimas has an average orbital speed of 14.28 kilometers per second. Mimas has a radius of 198.2 ±0.4 kilometers and a mass of 3.75 ×1019 kilograms. That makes Mimas the size of 0.0311 Earths. Mimas is just one of 82 confirmed moons (as of March 2020) orbiting Saturn. Profile of Mimas Mimas The Moon was discovered on September 17th, 1789 by German-Born British Astronomer William Herschel. A Crater on Mimas was even named after William Herschel, the crater being named Herschel. Mimas has a zero axis tilt and a gravity of 0.064 meters per second squared. In fact, the escape velocity for Mimas is 0.159 kilometers per second or 0.098 miles per second; so one does not need to go extremely fast in order to escape Mimas into Space but still would have to go 352.8 miles per hour. Mimas has an average temperature of 64 Kelvin or negative 209.15 degrees Celsius or negative 344.47 degrees Fahrenheit. Mimas is said to have a close resemblance to that of The Death Star in Star Wars. The Story of Mimas Mimas in The Traditional Classical World Religion, was a Giant and was the Son of Gaia, The Mother Earth goddess, who was birthed using the blood of the castrated Uranus, The Husband of Gaia known as Father Sky who was a Primal Classical World god. Mimas is known for fighting and dying in The Astronomic Battle between The Olympic gods and The Giants known as The Gigantomachy! In this battle of epic proportions, The King of The gods, Zeus, burned Mimas down until Mimas was nothing more than Ashes. Mimas was later buried under Prochyte, an Island off the Coast of Naples known as The Phlegraean Islands in Today's World Italy. Introduction
In Ancient China, a Solar Eclipse was thought to be a Sun Eating Dragon, so what was a Lunar Eclipse? A Sun Reviving Phoenix? Not likely. At least there is no written record of that being the belief. A Lunar Eclipse like A Solar Eclipse, has to do with The Sun, The Earth, The Moon & The Position of The Trio Lunar Eclipse A Solar Eclipse is when The Moon cover The Sun's Position completely, The Opposite would be deadly, however, a semi opposite does happen. It's called a Lunar Eclipse. A Lunar Eclipse is when The Moon gets no shine from The Sun because it is completely on the opposite side of The Earth from our vision. Only the light from The Earth, shows it's even there. Conclusion The Lunar Eclipse, Like The Black Hole and Dark Matter, shows us that just because ye cannot see something, that does not mean it isn't there. We know of and feel wind. Can we see wind? How about our Skeletons, we know we have them, but can we see them? There are things that cannot be seen but are known to be, emotions for example. And sometimes, it's the invisible things that are the most important. Introduction
Thousands of years ago in Ancient China, there was a Tradition of stopping a Dragon from devouring The Sun. One random day, The Sun would just be sitting there, minding it own business in the morning sky, and then all of a sudden, it would go dark. A Dragon was eating it! The peoples of Ancient China, did not take this lightly. They made noise! They screamed at The Dragon and caused a ruckus to scare The Dragon away. This always worked, but why did this work every single time? Solar Eclipse Was there really a Sun-Eating Dragon in the sky, and did The People of Ancient China really have any effect on the course of this event? No to both questions. The people had absolutely no control on the event and there was no a Sun-Eating Dragon; because instead of a Dragon, was, The Moon. This particular event, they confused for a Dragon eating The Sun, is what is known in Today's World, as a Solar Eclipse. A Solar Eclipse is when The Moon, Luna, moves completely in front of The Sun from our direct sky view. This causing The Sun's Shine to be covered causes a brief night time. A Solar Eclipse can last up to 7 minutes and 31 seconds long. Definitely not a long enough night to get the recommended eight hours of sleep a man needs. Not to worry, the real night time will come later. Solar Eclipses occur on around The World about every 18 months though in some part of The World, it only occurs once every 360 to 420 years. Conclusion So it's not a Dragon eating The Sun, it's just the Moon covering it's shine. Old ideas are not dumb ideas, but with limited knowledge, one can only think of so much. As we grow as a species, we continue to improve our broad range our collective knowledge. We may 'know' a lot of things today, that in the future, may be wrong. We must not let certain knowledge be absolute. For once we were screaming at Dragons, and now, we view the same event with awe. What is fact today, can be fantasy tomorrow. Always remember to continue to improve, and we will continue to know more and more about The World. Introduction
Thebe, The Fourth Moon closest to Jupiter. Also known as Jupiter XIV, Thebe was discovered by Voyager 1 Space Probe in 1979 and it's original title was S/1979 J 2. Thebe is the second largest inner natural satellite of Jupiter and has craters and mountains the size of Luna(our moon). Biography Thebe has a surface area of 30,542.44 kilometers squared and a mean radius of 49.3 plus or minus 2 kilometers. Thebe has a surface gravity of 0.013 meters per second squared and zero axial tilt. Thebe's average orbital speed is 23.92 kilometers per second and it takes 0.6745 Earth days to orbit around Jupiter all the way around. Thebe has a volume of 500,000 kilometers cubed and it takes a velocity of 20-30 meters per second to escape its gravitational pull. Other characteristics are it's weird irregular shaped and it's reddish surface. Story The Classical World had a lot of characters in their Traditional Religion with the name of Thebe. Thebe in one count is the daughter of Cilix, whose brothers were Cadmus, Phoenix & Europa, and was wife to Corybas who was a son of Cybele. In a another account Thebe is a titaness who is named Phoebe. In a another telling, Thebe is an Amazon, a warrior woman of the Amazon tribe who lived somewhere in Asia Minor(Anatolia) which was in Ancient Troy in modern day Turkey. In a another account Thebe is eponym of Thebes, Egypt who was also a consort of Zeus(Jupiter in Roman). In one other account Thebe is a daughter of Zeus and Megaclieite and sister of Locrus. Locrus helped build the city of Thebes. Thebe has many accounts, most revolving around Zeus/Jupiter, so it only makes sense that one of the moons that revolves around Jupiter in space. Introduction
As of recent, Jupiter has been surpassed by Saturn for the most moons in The Solar System for a planet. This does not mean that Jupiter does not have good amount of moons. Jupiter has a total of 79 moons. One of them is Autonoe. Autonoe is was discovered of an Astronomy Team at The University of Hawaii in 2001. It once was called S/2001 J/1. Another name today for Autonoe is Jupiter XXVIII. Biography of Autonoe Autonoe has a surface area of 50.27 kilometers squared and a radius of 2 kilmeters. Autonoe's surface gravitational rate of 0.002 meters per second squared. The speed of Autonoe's orbit around Jupiter is 8056.60 kilometers per hour. It takes around 761 Earth days to revolve around Jupiter. Story In The Traditional Classical World Religion, Autonoe was a Theban Princess who was the oldest daughter of The founder of Thebes, Cadmus and of the goddess of harmony and concord, Harmonia. In legend, she and her sibling sisters went berserk for The god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy & Theatre, Dionysus. This was due to The King of Thebes banning them from worshipping him while in Thebes.King Pentheus spied on her mother, Agave, who was also Autonoe's Sister. When he was spotted, the sisters tore him limb to limb to a Bacchic Fury brought on by Dionysus. They were free to worship Dionysus once and for all. Introduction
What makes a moon? Earth has 1, Jupiter has 79 and Saturn has 82 moons. Saturn has now taken the number spot of most confirmed moons as of February 2020. Callisto is a moon of Super World/Jupiter. Callisto is also known as Jupiter IV the fourth moon of Jupiter. Biography Callisto is the second largest moon orbiting Jupiter. Callisto was discovered in January of 1610. The average surface temperature of Callisto is minus 139.2 degrees Celsius or minus 218.47 degrees Fahrenheit. Callisto has a surface area of 7.30X10^7 kilometers squared or 0.143 Earths. Callisto has a volume of 5.9X10^10 kilometers cubed or 0.0541 Earths. It takes Callisto approximately 16.7 Earth days to Orbit around Jupiter. It travels around Jupiter at 8.204 kilometers squared. Callisto has an atmosphere made of thin layer of Carbon Dioxide and molecular Oxygen. Callisto has the most craters in The Solar System and in fact whenever a new crater is formed, it replaces an old one. Story In The Traditional Classical World Religion, Callisto was one of the many lovers of The King of The gods, Zeus(Jupiter in Traditional Roman Religion). Makes sense why Callisto the moon orbits Jupiter the planet. Callisto having been pillaged my Zeus, beared a son and Hera(Juno) hearing us this became jealous and turned Callisto into an Ursa(Bear). Her son Arcas was a hunter. And when Arcas came across the bear, Callisto went to slay this beast. Zeus however prevented this tragedy and placed both Callisto and Arcas in the night sky, transforming them into Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Introduction
IO is a moon of Super World, also known as Jupiter. IO is also known as Jupiter I. IO is The Fourth Largest Moon in The Solar System & is the third largest of the IV Galilean Moons of Jupiter. IO has extreme geological activity in on its surface and atmosphere such as tidal heating . This is caused by 400 Active Volcanoes on IO, 150 can be simultaneously erupted at any given point in time. In lots of ways, IO is just like its planet Jupiter, a large storm that never ends, the only different is Jupiter is gas, while IO is solid Biography IO has a surface area of 41,910,000 kilometer squared or 0.082 Earths. Despite its 400 Active Volcanoes, which 150 can be erupting at the same time at any time, IO has an average temperature of 143.15 Kelvin or negative 202 degrees Fahrenheit or Minus 130 degrees Celsius. IO is around 4.5 billion years old. ON average its orbital distance from Jupiter is 422,000 kilometers or 262,000 miles. IO orbital period is around 1.77 Earth days. Legend of IO In The Traditional Classical World Religion, IO was known as one of the many lovers of The King of The gods, Zeus. IO was a princess of Argive who had many great heroic ancestors such as Heracles(Hercules), Minos, Perseus, Danaus, Cadmus, & Lynceus. With Zeus, she would bere Memphis and Epaphus who in legend became King of Egypt. |
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