Soul Nebula, also known as Westerhout 5, Sharpless 2-199, Sh2-199, LBN 667 and IC 1848, is an Emission Nebula located in The Cassiopeia Constellation. Soul Nebula is located 7500 Light Years from Earth. Soul Nebula contains gigantic cavities that were carved out by radiation and winds from the region's most largest stars. Soul Nebula has a neighbor Nebula known as Heart Nebula and so together they are known as Heart and Soul or Heart and Soul Nebulae.
Pistol Nebula is an emission nebula located in the Sagittarius Constellation. Pistole Nebula is located 25,000 Light Years from Earth. Pistol Nebula has a mass of 9.3 Solar Masses. Inside The Pistol Nebula is the extremely luminous star, Pistol Star, which is 1.6 Million fold the brightest of The Sun. Pistol Nebula is a Quintuplet Cluster located almost in the center of The Milky Way Galaxy. Introduction
Coalsack Nebula, also known as Coalsack, Southern Coalsack, il Canopo fosco, The Dark Canopus, Macula Magellani, Magellanic Spot, Yutu, Caldwell 99, C99 and Black Magellanic Cloud, is a Dark Nebula/Absorption Nebula located in The Crux Constellation. Coalsack Nebula is located 590 Light Years from Earth. A Dark Nebula or Absorption Nebula is an interstellar cloud that is extremely dense, to the point that it obscures the light from objects behind it, such as background stars and emission or reflection nebulae. Coalsack Nebula has a radius pf 30 to 35 Light Years. The Coalsack Nebula was discovered in 1499 AD by Spanish Explorer Vicente Yáñez Pinzón. Italian Explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who The Americas are named after, name it il Canopo fosco or The Dark Canopus. Coalsack Nebula can be seen in space with the naked eye, where it will be seen as a dark splat hindering the light of stars in The Milky Way. In Ancient Inca, Incan Astronomers knew this Nebula as Yutu, or Tinamou, a partridge -like southern bird. Introduction
Bubble Nebula, also known as NGC 7635, Sharpless 162, Caldwell 11, and Sh2-162, is a HII Region Emission Nebula located inside The Cassiopeia Constellation. Bubble Nebula is located around 7100 Light Years to 11,000 Light Years from Earth. Bubble Nebula has a radius of 3 to 5 Light Years. The most recognizable feature of Bubble Nebula is The Bubble formation itself incircle it's inside feature which is created by Stellar Wind from a young Central Star known as SAO 20575. Bubble Nebula was discovered by German-British Astronomer William Herschel in 1787. Introduction
Egg Nebula, also known as The Egg, Cygnus Egg, RAFGL 2688 and CRL 2688, is a bipolar protoplanetary nebula, is located inside The Cygnus Constellation. The Egg is located 3000 Light Years from Earth. The Egg has a radius of 0.2 Light Years. The Egg's most notable features are a central star enclosed by a dusty exterior and a crowd of bright arcs which surround the central star in a circular fashion. The Egg was discovered 1975 by the 11 µm survey obtained with sounding rocket by Air Force Geophysical Laboratory (AFGL). Introduction
Tarantula Nebula, also known as NGC 2070, Doradus Nebula, Dor Nebula and 30 Doradus, is a nebula located inside The Dorado Constellation. Tarantula Nebula is located inside Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and is 160 Thousand Light Years from Earth. Tarantula Nebula has a radius of 931 Light Years. Inside Tarantula nebula is a Supernova known as Supernova 1987A or SN 1987A. Tarantula Nebula was discovered by French Astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille around 1751 and 1753 in The Cape of Good Hope in Cape Town, South Africa. Introduction
Ghost Nebula, also known as VdB 141 and Sh2-136, is a reflection nebula locate inside The Cepheus Constellation. A Reflection Nebula is a cloud of interstellar dust which reflects the light of a close star or stars. Ghost Nebula is located 1470 Light Years from Earth. The Ghost Nebula has a radius of 1 Light Year to 2 Light Years. Introduction
Saturn Nebula, also known as NGC 7009 and Caldwell 55, is a Planetary Nebula located inside The Aquarius Constellation. Saturn Nebula is located 2000 Light Years to 4000 Light Years from Earth. Saturn Nebula has a radius of 0.2 Light Years to 0.4 Light Years. The Central Star inside The Saturn Nebula is an estimated 55,000 Kelvin, Saturn Nebula receives it's name for its similar look to that of the planet Saturn. Saturn Nebula was discovered on September 7th, 1782 by German-British Astronomer William Herschel. Introduction
Owl Nebula, also known as Messier 97, M97, NGC 3587 and PN G148.4+57.0, is a Planetary Nebula located in The Ursa Major Constellation. The Owl Nebula is 8000 Years Old so it must be wise like an Owl. Owl Nebula is located 2030 Light Years from Earth. Owl Nebula is has a mass of 0.13 Solar Masses and a radius of 0.91 Light Years. Owl Nebula has a temperature of 123,000 Kelvin. Owl Nebula was discovered on February 16th, 1781, by French Astronomer Pierre François André Méchain. Introduction
Hourglass Nebula, also known as Engraved Hourglass Nebula, MyCn18, ESO 97-1, Etched Hourglass Nebula and PN MyCn 18, is a Planetary Nebula located inside The Musca Constellation. Engraved Hourglass Nebula was discovered before 1918 by American Astronomer Annie Jump Cannon and American Astronomer Margaret Walton Mayall. The hourglass shaped is produced by a fast stellar wind, expelling gasses Helium, Nitrogen, Carbon and Oxygen. Introduction
Eskimo Nebula, also known as NGC 2392, Caldwell 39, Clown Nebula & Clown Face, is a planetary nebula inside the Gemini Constellation. Eskimo Nebula is located 6500 Light Years from Earth. Eskimo Nebula was discovered in January 17th, 1787 by German-British Astronomer William Herschel. Introduction
Omega Nebula, also known as Swan Nebula, Checkmark Nebula, Horseshoe Nebula, Messier 17, M17, NGC 6618, Sharpless 45, RCW 160 and Gum 81, is an Interstellar Atomic Ionized Gas Cloud located inside The Sagittarius Constellation. Swan Nebula is located 5000 Light Years to 6000 Light Years from Earth. Checkmark Nebula has a mass of 800 Solar Masses and a radius of 11 Light Years. Gum 81 was discovered in 1745 by Swiss Astronomer Philippe Loys de Chéseaux. Introduction
Veil Nebula, also known as NGC 6960, NGC 6992, NGC 6995, NGC 6974, NGC 6979, IC 1340, Cygnus Loop, Cirrus Nebula, Filamentary Nebula, Witch's Broom Nebula, Caldwell 33 and Caldwell 34, is a supernova remnant located inside The Cygnus Constellation. Witch's Broom Nebula is located 2400 Light Years from Earth. Cygnus Loop has a radius of 65 Light Years. Filamentary Nebula was discovered on September 5th, 1784 by German-British Astronomer William Herschel. Introduction
Dumbbell Nebula, also known as Apple Core Nebula, Messier 27, M27, NGC 6853 and Diabolo Nebula, is a Planetary Nebula located inside The Vulpecula Constellation. The Apple Core Nebula is located 1227 Light Years from Earth. Diabolo Nebula has a mass of 0.56 Solar Masses and a radius of 1.44 Light Years. Apple Core Nebula was discovered in 1764 by French Astronomer Charles Messier. Introduction
Trifid Nebula, also known as Messier 20, M20, NGC 6514, Sharpless 30, RCW 147 and Gum 76, is a Interstellar Atomic Ionized Gas Cloud located inside The Sagittarius Constellation. Trifid Nebula is located 4100 Light Years from Earth. Trifid Nebula has a mass of 20 Solar Masses and a radius of 21 Light Years. Trifid Nebula was discovered on June 5th, 1764 by French Astronomer Charles Messier. Introduction
Carina Nebula, also known as Grand Nebula, Great Nebula, Great Nebula in Carina, Eta Carinae Nebula, NGC 3372 ESO 128-EN013, GC 2197, h 3295 and Caldwell 92, is a Dark Nebulosity located in The Carina Constellation. The Grand Nebula is located 8500 Light Years from Earth. The Great Nebula has a radius of 230 Light Years. Grand Nebula was discovered in 1752 by French Astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille. Introduction
Lagoon Nebula, also known as Messier 8, M8, NGC 6523, Sharpless 25, RCW 146, and Gum 72, is a Interstellar Cloud located inside The Sagittarius Constellation. Lagoon Nebula is 4100 Light Years from Earth. Sharpless 25 has a radius of 55 Light Years. The Lagoon Nebula was discovered a little before 1654 by Italian Astronomer Giovanni Hodierna. Introduction
Cat's Eye Nebula, also known NGC 6543, Snail Nebula, Sunflower Nebula, IC 4677 and Caldwell 6, is a Planetary Nebula in The Draco Constellation. The Cat's Eye Nebula's Core has a mass of 0.96 Solar Masses and a radius of 0.2 Light Years. Sunflower Nebula is 3.3 Thousand Light Years from Earth. Snail Nebula was discovered on February 15th, 1786 by German-British Astronomer William Herschel. Introduction
Horsehead Nebula, also known as Barnard 33 and LDN 1630, is a dark nebula located inside Orion Constellation. Horsehead Nebula has a mass of 250 Solar Masses and a radius of 3.5 Light Years. Horsehead Nebula is 1375 Light Years from Earth. Horsehead Nebula was discovered in 1888 by Scottish Astronomer Williamina Fleming. Introduction
Helix Nebula, also known as NGC 7293, Caldwell 63, Eye of Sauron and Eye of God, is a planetary nebula located inside The Aquarius Constellation. Helix Nebula is located 655 Light Years from Earth. Helix Nebula has a mass of 0.30 Solar Masses, a radius of 2.87 Light Years and a Luminosity of 100 Solar Luminosities. Helix Nebula has a temperature of 120,000 Kelvin and is an estimated 10,600 Years Old. Introduction
Eagle Nebula, also known as The Pillars of Creation, Messier 16, M16, NGC 6611, Sharpless 49, RCW 165, Cr 375, Gum 83 and Star Queen Nebula, is a Nebula that is an open cluster of stars located inside The Serpens Constellation. The Pillars of Creation is located 5700 Light Years from Earth. The Pillars of Creation is estimated to be around 1 Million to 2 Million Years Old. The Pillars of Creation has a mass of 80 Solar Masses, a radius of 70X55 Light Years and a luminosity of 1 Million Solar Luminosities. The Pillars of Creation contained an estimated 8100 Stars within its bounds. The Pillars of Creation were discovered in 1745 by Swiss Astronomer Jean-Philippe de Cheseaux. The light from The Pillars of Creation takes 1 thousand to 2 thousand years to reach Earth. Introduction
Ring Nebula, also known as Messier 57, M57, NGC 6720 and GC 4447, is a Planetary Nebula located inside The Lyra Constellation. Ring Nebula is located inside The Milky Way Galaxy 2567 Light Years from Earth. Ring Nebula has a mass of 0.61 Solar Masses to 0.62 Solar Masses, a radius of 1.3 Light Years and a Luminosity of around 200 Solar Luminosities. Ring Nebula has a surface temperature of 125,000 Kelvin. Ring Nebula was discovered in January of 1779 by French Astronomer Charles Messier. List of All 110 Messier Objects
1. Crab Nebula(M1) 2. NGC 7089 (M2) 3. NGC 5272 (M3) 4. NGC 6121 (M4) 5. NGC 5904 (M5) 6. Butterfly Cluster (M6) 7. Ptolemy Cluster (M7) 8. Lagoon Nebula (M8) 9. NGC 6333(M9) 10. NGC 6254 (M10) 11. Wild Duck Cluster (M11) 12. NGC 6218 (M12) 13. Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13) 14. NGC 6402 (M14) 15. NGC 7078 (M15) 16. Eagle Nebula (M16) 17. Omega, Swan, Horseshoe or Lobster Nebula (M17) 18. NGC 6613 (M18) 19. NGC 6273 (M19) 20. Trifid Nebula (M20) 21. NGC 6531 (M21) 22. Sagittarius Cluster (M22) 23. NGC 6494 (M23) 24. Sagittarius Star Cloud (M24) 25. IC 4725 (M25) 26. NGC 6694 (M26) 27. Dumbbell Nebula (M27) 28. NGC 6626 (M28) 29. Cooling Tower (M29) 30. NGC 7099 (M30) 31. Andromeda Galaxy (M31) 32. NGC 221 (M32) 33. Triangulum Galaxy (M33) 34. NGC 1039 (M34) 35. NGC 2168 (M35) 36. NGC 1960 (M36) 37. NGC 2099 (M37) 38. NGC 1912 (M38) 39. NGC 7092 (M39) 40. Winnecke 4 (M40) 41. NGC 2287 (M41) 42. Orion Nebula (M42) 43. De Mairan's Nebula (M43) 44. Beehive Cluster (M44) 45.Pleiades (M45) 46. NGC 2437 (M46) 47. NGC 2422 (M47) 48. NGC 2548 (M48) 49. NGC 4472 (M49) 50. NGC 2323 (M50) 51. Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) 52. NGC 7654 (M52) 53. NGC 5024 (M53) 54. NGC 6715 (M54) 55. NGC 6809 (M55) 56. NGC 6779 (M56) 57. Ring Nebula (M57) 58. NGC 4579 (M58) 59. NGC 4621 (M59) 60. NGC 4649 (M60) 61. NGC 4303 (M61) 62. NGC 6266 (M62) 63. Sunflower Galaxy (M63) 64. Black Eye Galaxy (M64) 65. Leo Triplet NGC 3623 (M65) 66. Leo Triplet NGC 3627 (M66) 67. NGC 2682 (M67) 68. NGC 4590 (M68) 69. NGC 6637 (M69) 70. NGC 6681 (M70) 71. NGC 6838 (M71) 72. NGC 6981 (M72) 73. NGC 6994 (M73) 74. Phantom Galaxy (M74) 75. NGC 6864 (M75) 76. Little Dumbbell Nebula (M76) 77. Cetus A (M77) 78. NGC 2068 (M78) 79. NGC 1904 (M79) 80. NGC 6093 (M80) 81. Bode's Galaxy (M81) 82. Cigar Galaxy (M82) 83. Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (M83) 84. NGC 4374 (M84) 85. NGC 4382 (M85) 86. NGC 4406 (M86) 87. Virgo A (M87) 88. NGC 4501 (M88) 89. NGC 4552 (M89) 90. NGC 4569 (M90) 91. NGC 4548 (M91) 92. NGC 6341 (M92) 93. NGC 2447 (M93) 94. Croc's Eye or Cat's Eye (M94) 95. NGC 3351 (M95) 96. NGC 3368 (M96) 97. Owl Nebula (M97) 98. NGC 4192 (M98) 99. NGC 4254 (M99) 100. NGC 4321 (M100) 101. Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) 102. Spindle Galaxy (M102) 103. NGC 581 (M103) 104. Sombrero Galaxy (M104) 105. NGC 3379 (M105) 106. NGC 4258 (M106) 107. NGC 6171 (M107) 108. NGC 3556 (M108) 109. NGC 3992 (M109) 110. NGC 205 (M110) Introduction
Nebulae name is rooted in Latin, it translates to Gas or Cloud. This would accurately describe a Nebula. A Nebula is in fact a Gas and Cloud in Space. So is a Star however, so what makes a Nebula different? Well to put it into more specific meaning, a Nebula is a gossamer cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space. It can have a range of some hundreds of light years. These Astronomical articles are not small by any means of the measure I do declare. On the conjury, Nebulae are beyond colossal in stature. I would dare to say, thou would not want to drive in this fog, thou would not be able to see the road clearly for thy entire life, even at light speed. The clouds on Earth have nothing on these odysseys. A few Nebulae we know of are The Eagle Nebula, Crab Nebula, Ring Nebula, Orion Nebula, Helix Nebula, Dumbbell Nebula, Horsehead Nebula, Omega Nebula, Lagoon Nebula, Eskimo Nebula, Veil Nebula, North America Nebula, Coalsack Nebula, Saturn Nebula, Pelican Nebula, Owl Nebula, Boomerang Nebula, Egg Nebula, Lemon Slice Nebula, Medusa Nebula, Ghost Nebula, Iris Nebula, Crescent Nebula & Flame Nebula. There are an estimated 3000 Nebulae in The Universe. The Origin of Nebulae Nebulae come from The Explosion of dying stars. These explosions come from Supernovae. Aftermath Nebulae after being created become a space for star creation. A Nebulae becomes Star Nurseries. Conclusion Nebulae come from the explosions of dying stars. Nebulae in turn become the birthplace of new stars. It's like a Hydra, thou cut off one head, two more grow in its place; except in a Nebula, more than two stars are born. This cycle is similar to life's cycle of life, death and rebirth. Except maybe the order is a little different. One lives, one gives new birth to another or others than one dies. |
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