Ever Since The Start of The World and mankind, man hath seeked to reach the far reaches of Space. The Mystery has intrigued like minds all over The World. Astronomy is as old as time, we even have used it to determine time, seasons, and more. It has been crucial for the survival and advancement of the human species. This desire to explore space has not only led to the advancement of human beings, but it has led us to space itself. The First Space Travel In The Mid-20th Century, a Race was happening, a Space Race. One against The World Super Powers of America and The USSR. The Space Race was a race to see who would have Ultimate Space Travel Supremacy. On April 12th, 1961, The man to ever enter Space, entered Space. Cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, a soviet cosmonaut was the first man in space. He remained in Space for 89 minutes. 8 years later, The USA landed a man on the moon Space Travel in Today's World or in The Future Today's World's Space Travel is limited to Professional Astronauts from NASA and companies like SpaceX. We have yet to put a man on a different planet but there are plans in the future to go to Mars and even colonize it. Commercial Space Travel at this point seems to be very possible in the near future. The World Aloha believes that not only will we leave the Universe one day, but humans will travel to different galaxies and beyond.
As humans, since the dawn of man, we hath gazed into the night sky with wonders of what is beyond our Earth. Stars, moons, planets, galaxies, nebulae, Supernovae, black holes and more are out there in our beautiful universe. But before the telescope, I range of views of what was out there, was limited. The Naked Eye Before Telescope, Humans did Astronomy, or Astrology as it was called back then, with the naked eye. Now, do not get it twisted, The Naked Eye is very good for Astronomy. We mapped out calendars and season with it and we have learned alot about space with it. For example we knew of Six planets: Mercury, Veuns, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn; with the naked eye, we can see the Sun of course, we can see the Moon, Luna, we saw many stars, before light pollution, and more! There is a lot of things we can see in Space without a telescope. And just like any tool, a telescope just enhances our abilities. An axe helps us cut down a tree, a hammer helps us push in a nail, a spear helps us hunt prey & a telescope lets us see more in space. The First Telescope Before Telescope, viewing planets like Uranus or seeing exoplanets, was impossible; our eyes, just weren't strong enough to see these astronomical objects. However, in 1608, all of that would change. For in 1608, The Telescope patented. Now our range of Astronomical sight would be enhanced threefold and beyond! The First ever telescope was called a Kijker or Looker. One year later, The World renowned Astronomer, Galileo would build his own version of the telescope. Later with this, he would prove once and for all that The Universe was not Geocentric (Earth Centered), but that, at least our Solar System as we know now, was Heliocentric( Sun Centered). Telescope The Telescope is a device that is an optical instrument that makes distant materials appear magnified like a Microscope makes Microscopic objects appear magnified. This is done using an arrangement of lenses that when out in a certain order, will make the distant object larger in the looking lense. This means that Uranus, being farther than our eyes can see on their own, can now be seen easily using a telescope. There are different types of telescope too. - Optical Telescopes are Telescopes that use visible light to magnify. - Ultraviolet Telescope use a shorter wavelength than visible light. - X-Ray Telescopes use a shorter wavelength than Ultraviolet Light. - Infrared Telescopes use a longer wavelength than visible Light. - Submillimeter telescopes use Microwave wavelengths than are longer than infrared light. - Radio telescopes use the longest wavelengths than the other telescopes. Conclusion Telescopes are a crucial part of Today's Astronomy. Without them, a lot of what we know now would have been unknown. Advancement in technology, like telescopes, can be a good things for humanity. For without the spear, hunting prey would be harder, without the axe, cutting down trees would be impossible, without fire, cooking food would be impossible, without a computer, ye would not be reading this write now & without a telescope, we would still believe Earth was the center of The Universe. |
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