List of All 110 Messier Objects
1. Crab Nebula(M1) 2. NGC 7089 (M2) 3. NGC 5272 (M3) 4. NGC 6121 (M4) 5. NGC 5904 (M5) 6. Butterfly Cluster (M6) 7. Ptolemy Cluster (M7) 8. Lagoon Nebula (M8) 9. NGC 6333(M9) 10. NGC 6254 (M10) 11. Wild Duck Cluster (M11) 12. NGC 6218 (M12) 13. Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13) 14. NGC 6402 (M14) 15. NGC 7078 (M15) 16. Eagle Nebula (M16) 17. Omega, Swan, Horseshoe or Lobster Nebula (M17) 18. NGC 6613 (M18) 19. NGC 6273 (M19) 20. Trifid Nebula (M20) 21. NGC 6531 (M21) 22. Sagittarius Cluster (M22) 23. NGC 6494 (M23) 24. Sagittarius Star Cloud (M24) 25. IC 4725 (M25) 26. NGC 6694 (M26) 27. Dumbbell Nebula (M27) 28. NGC 6626 (M28) 29. Cooling Tower (M29) 30. NGC 7099 (M30) 31. Andromeda Galaxy (M31) 32. NGC 221 (M32) 33. Triangulum Galaxy (M33) 34. NGC 1039 (M34) 35. NGC 2168 (M35) 36. NGC 1960 (M36) 37. NGC 2099 (M37) 38. NGC 1912 (M38) 39. NGC 7092 (M39) 40. Winnecke 4 (M40) 41. NGC 2287 (M41) 42. Orion Nebula (M42) 43. De Mairan's Nebula (M43) 44. Beehive Cluster (M44) 45.Pleiades (M45) 46. NGC 2437 (M46) 47. NGC 2422 (M47) 48. NGC 2548 (M48) 49. NGC 4472 (M49) 50. NGC 2323 (M50) 51. Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) 52. NGC 7654 (M52) 53. NGC 5024 (M53) 54. NGC 6715 (M54) 55. NGC 6809 (M55) 56. NGC 6779 (M56) 57. Ring Nebula (M57) 58. NGC 4579 (M58) 59. NGC 4621 (M59) 60. NGC 4649 (M60) 61. NGC 4303 (M61) 62. NGC 6266 (M62) 63. Sunflower Galaxy (M63) 64. Black Eye Galaxy (M64) 65. Leo Triplet NGC 3623 (M65) 66. Leo Triplet NGC 3627 (M66) 67. NGC 2682 (M67) 68. NGC 4590 (M68) 69. NGC 6637 (M69) 70. NGC 6681 (M70) 71. NGC 6838 (M71) 72. NGC 6981 (M72) 73. NGC 6994 (M73) 74. Phantom Galaxy (M74) 75. NGC 6864 (M75) 76. Little Dumbbell Nebula (M76) 77. Cetus A (M77) 78. NGC 2068 (M78) 79. NGC 1904 (M79) 80. NGC 6093 (M80) 81. Bode's Galaxy (M81) 82. Cigar Galaxy (M82) 83. Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (M83) 84. NGC 4374 (M84) 85. NGC 4382 (M85) 86. NGC 4406 (M86) 87. Virgo A (M87) 88. NGC 4501 (M88) 89. NGC 4552 (M89) 90. NGC 4569 (M90) 91. NGC 4548 (M91) 92. NGC 6341 (M92) 93. NGC 2447 (M93) 94. Croc's Eye or Cat's Eye (M94) 95. NGC 3351 (M95) 96. NGC 3368 (M96) 97. Owl Nebula (M97) 98. NGC 4192 (M98) 99. NGC 4254 (M99) 100. NGC 4321 (M100) 101. Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) 102. Spindle Galaxy (M102) 103. NGC 581 (M103) 104. Sombrero Galaxy (M104) 105. NGC 3379 (M105) 106. NGC 4258 (M106) 107. NGC 6171 (M107) 108. NGC 3556 (M108) 109. NGC 3992 (M109) 110. NGC 205 (M110)
Mayall's Object, also known as Arp 148, VV 032, MCG+07-23-019 and APG 148, is two colliding galaxies located inside The Ursa Major Constellation (Big Bear Constellation). Mayall's Object is located 450 Million Light Years from Earth. Mayall's Object is 12.85 Billion Years Old. The result of these two galaxies colliding is a ring shaped galaxy with a tail. Profile of Mayall's Object Mayall's Object was discovered on March 13th, 1940, by American Astronomer Nicholas Ulrich Mayall using the Crossley Reflector at the Lick Observatory. At First, Mayall's Object was believed to be a galaxy that was reacting to an intergaltic medium, which later was changed to what is believed to be today. Introduction
Pisces Galaxy, also known as Pisces Dwarf, LGS 3 and PGC 3792, is a irregular dwarf galaxy located inside The Pisces Constellation (Fish Constellation). Pisces Galaxy is located 2.51 Million Light Years from Earth. The Pisces Dwarf is one of other galaxies inside of a local group of galaxies. Profile of Pisces Galaxy Pisces Galaxy was discovered in 1976 by Ukrainian Astronomer Valentina Karachentseva. The Pisces Dwarf does not get it's name by looking like fish, because it doesn't, rather that it is conveniently located inside The Pisces Constellation. The Pisces shows a blueshift, which is a decrease in wavelength that produces a blue coloring to the observer, and is approaching our galaxy, The Milky Way Galaxy, at a velocity of 287 kilometers per second. Introduction
Sculptor Galaxy, also known as Silver Dollar Galaxy, Silver Coin Galaxy, NGC 253, UGCA 13, PGC 2789 and Caldwell 65, is a Spiral Galaxy located inside The Sculptor Constellation. The Silver Coin Galaxy is a Starburst Galaxy as well to a Spiral Galaxy. Silver Dollar Galaxy is located 11.4 Million Light Years from Earth. Sculptor Galaxy has a mass of about 100 Billion Solar Masses and a radius of 45,000 Light Years. Profile of Silver Coin Galaxy Sculptor Galaxy was discovered in 1783 by German Astronomer Caroline Lucretia Herschel who was the young sister of the famous German Astronomer William Herschel. The Sculptor Galaxy is in the middle of The Sculptor Group, a group of galaxies visible on Earth's South Pole and are about 12.7 Million light Years away from Earth at Maximum. In the center of Silver Dollar Galaxy is a supermassive black hole with a mass estimated to be that of 5 millionfold the size of The Sun. Introduction
Black Eye Galaxy, also known as Evil Eye Galaxy, Messier 64, M64, NGC 4826, PGC 44182 and UGC 8062, is a Spiral Galaxy located inside The Coma Berenices Constellation. Evil Eye Galaxy is located 17 Million Light Years from Earth. Black Eye Galaxy has 100 Billion Stars and has a mass of 0.4 Billion Solar Masses. The Black Eye Galaxy can be seen by anyone with a small telescope. Profile of Black Eye Galaxy Evil Eye Galaxy was discovered on March of 1779 by English Astronomer Edward Pigott. Black Eye Galaxy is a type 2 Seyfert Galaxy. It has an HII/LINER nucleus. The Interstellar medium of Evil Eye Galaxy is duo counter-rotating disks that about equal in mass. Introduction
Tadpole Galaxy, also known as UGC 10214, Arp 188 and PGC 57129, is a barred spiral galaxy located in The Draco Constellation (The Dragon Constellation). Arp 188 is located 420 Million Light Years away from Earth. Tadpole Galaxy has a diameter of 280,000 Light Years, a diameter of 195,000 Light Years and a mass of around 100,000 Solar Masses. Profile of Tadpole Galaxy Tadpole Galaxy was discovered in 1982 by Canadian Astronomer Paul Hickson. The most notable feature of Arp 188 is its long tail of stellar matter that span 280,000 Light Years across Space. It is believed that this is caused due to a merger between UGC 10214 and much smaller galaxy. This fusion is believed to have occurred 100 Million Years Ago. It is believed that in the future that the Tadpolr Galaxy's tail will fade and be lost. Perhaps whenever that occurs, we should rename Tadpole Galaxy to Frog Galaxy or Toad Galaxy, for the same thing happens to Tadpoles on Earth. Introduction
Needle Galaxy, also known as NGC 4565, UGC 7772, PGC 42038 and Caldwell 38, is a Spiral Galaxy located in The Coma Berenices Constellation. Needle Galaxy is located 38.49 Million Light Years from Earth. Needle Galaxy has a mass of around eight hundred billion Solar Masses. NGC 4565 gets its name, Needle Galaxy, due to the fact that its observable shape resembles that of a needle. Profile of Needle Galaxy Needle Galaxy was discovered in 1785 by German-Born British Astronomer William Herschel. It is said that NGC 4565 is an outstanding illustration of an edge-on Spiral Galaxy. Needle Galaxy is a gargantuan galaxy with more fluorescence than that of our neighboring galaxy, The Andromeda Galaxy. Within the Needle Galaxy, there appears to be a bulge or pseudobulge coming from its core. This has led to speculated that NGC 4565 is in fact a barred spiral galaxy as opposed to just a spiral galaxy. These observations have been proven now thanks to the Spitzer Space Telescope, who in fact came back to Earth this year (January 2020), who confirmed the existence of the center bulge within the Needle Galaxy. Introduction
Backward Galaxy, also known as NGC 4622 or PGC 42701, is a unbarred spiral galaxy located within The Centaurus Constellation. An unbarred spiral galaxy is a spiral galaxy without a central bar. Backward Galaxy has a prominent ring structure. Backward Galaxy is located 111 Million Light Years from Earth. Profile of Backward Galaxy The Backwards Galaxy was discovered by a team of scientist Ron Buta and Gene Byrd of The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa and Tarsh Freeman of Bevill State Community College in Alabama. Backward is a Galaxy with leading spiral arms. In spiral galaxies, spiral arms were thought to trail; the tips of the spiral arms winding away from the center of the galaxy in the direction of the disks orbital rotation. In The Backward Galaxy, the outer arms are leading spiral arms and the tips of the spiral arms point towards the direction of disk rotation. This may be the result of a gravitational interaction between NGC 4622 and another galaxy or the result of a merger between Backward and something smaller. It was originally believed that the inner spiral arm was a leading arm, the observations that established that the outer arms were leading also established that the inner arm was trailing. This however met with skepticism in part because they contradicted conventional wisdom with a quote being “So you’re the backward astronomers who found the backward galaxy.” And that is how NGC 4622 received the name Backward Galaxy. Introduction
Small Magellanic Cloud, also known as Nubecula Minor, SMC, NGC 292 or PGC 3085, is a dwarf irregular galaxy located in both The Tucana Constellation (Toucan Constellation) and The Hydrus Constellation (Hydra Constellation). Small Magellanic Cloud is located 200,00 Light Years from Earth. Small Magellanic Cloud has a mass of Seven Billion Solar Masses and a diameter of 7000 Light Years. Small Magellanic Cloud is one of the closest intergalactic neighbors to The Milky Way Galaxy (Our Galaxy) and can be seen in the night sky by The Naked Eye! Profile of Small Magellanic Cloud SMC was discovered in Ancient Times by The Native Peoples of The South Sea, Australia and Persia. It is believed by Astronomer Today that Small Magellanic Cloud was once a barred spiral galaxy due to observations of a central bar structure of some sorts within Small Magellanic Cloud. Both Large Magellanic Cloud and Small Magellanic Cloud are connect via a bridge of gas. This shows evidence for there being tidal interaction of LMC and SMC. Both LMC and SMC have a common feature of having neutral hydrogen. This gives evidence of a long-term bondage of the two galaxies. Introduction
Mice Galaxies, also known as NGC 4676, IC 819, IC 820, UGC 7938, UGC 7939, PGC 43062, PGC 43065 and Arp 242, is pair of two spiral galaxies located inside The Coma Berenices Constellation. Mice Galaxies is located 290 million light years from Earth. The Mice Galaxies have a size of 760,000 Light Years. The two galaxies that are the mice galaxies are NGC 4676A and NGC 4676B. Profile of Mice Galaxies Mice Galaxies has started the process of merging together into one galaxy like The Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy will. Perhaps when it is finished merging, we can call it Mouse Galaxy. Introduction
Antennae Galaxy, also known as NGC 4038, NGC 4039, Ringtail Galaxy, Caldwell 60, Caldwell 61, PGC 37967, PGC 37969, Arp 244, UGCA 264 & UGCA 265, are two interacting galaxies that are Starburst galaxies located within the Corvus Constellation(Raven Constellation). These galaxies are both 45 Million Light Years and 65 Million Light Years from Earth. The Antennae Galaxy is 500,000 Light Years across. The Future of The Milky Way Galaxy and The Andromeda Galaxy is likely to be very similar to The Antennae Galaxy. Profile of The Antennae Galaxy The Antennae Galaxy was discovered in 1785 by German-Born British Astronomer William Herschel. The Antennae Galaxy 1.2 Billion Years Ago was two separate galaxies that eventually combined together to become The Antennae Galaxy. The Two Galaxies were NGC 4038 and NGC 4039. NGC 4038 was a Barred Spiral Galaxy and NGC 4039 was a Spiral Galaxy. NGC 4039 was more massive than NGC 4038 was. Within The Antennae Galaxy are Five Supernovae that have been discovered. The Supernovae are called SN 1921A, SN 1974E, SN 2004GT, SN 2007sr and SN 2013dk. These Supernovae were specifically seen inside NGC 4038. Introduction
Messier 81, also known as M81, NGC 3031, Bode's Galaxy, UGC 5318, MGC+12-10-010 or PGC 28630, is A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy located inside The Ursa Major Constellation(Big Bear Constellation, Big Dipper). A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy is a Spiral Galaxy that has highly visible, prominent, well-designed Spiral Arms; All of The Grand Design Spiral Galaxies are Messier 51, Messier 74, Messier 81, Messier 83 and Messier 101. Bode's Galaxy is located 12 Million Light-Years Away from Earth. Bode's Galaxy has a mass of 50 Billion Solar Masses and a diameter of 90,000 Light Years. Profile of Bode's Galaxy Messier 81 was discovered on December 31st, 1774 by German Astronomer Johann Elert Bode. This is why Messier 81 can also be called Bode's Galaxy. Later in 1779, around 5 years later, French Astronomer Charles Messier and French Astronomer Pierre Mechain, renamed Bode's Galaxy as Messier 81 and listed it in The Messier Catalogue. Within Messier 81, One Supernova has been detected. That Supernova has been observed as a Type II Supernova. Messier 81 is the largest galaxy within The M81 Group. The M81 group is a collection of 34 Galaxies located inside Ursa Major Constellation. Introduction
IOK-1, also known as Iye Ota Kashikawa 1 or Iye Ota Kashikawa Galaxy, is Lyman-Alpha Emitter(LAE) Galaxy located inside the Coma Berenices Constellation(Berenice's Hair Constellation). IOK-1 is located 12.88 Billion Light Years from Earth. Profile of Iye Ota Kashikawa Galaxy IOK-1 was discovered in April 2006 by Japanese Astronomer Masanori Iye at National Astronomical Observatory in Japan using The Subaru Telescope in Hawaii. When IOK-1 was discovered, it was The Most distant and The Oldest Galaxy ever discovered. In Today's World, those two titles belong to GN-z11. When viewed, IOK-1 was being viewed as it was 12.88 Billion Years Ago, close to the time of The Big Bang, relatively speaking. It's birth in fact was 750 Million Years after The Big Bang occurred, Earth itself is older than that time-lapse, Earth being 4.543 Billion Years old. Introduction
Boötes 1, also known as Boo 1 dSph, Boo dSph, Boötes Satellite, Boötes Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy, Boötes dSph Galaxy and PGC 4713553, is a Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy located inside The Boötes Constellation(Herdsman Constellation, Plowman Constellation or Ox-Driver Constellation). Boötes 1 is located 197 thousand light years from Earth. Profile of Bootes 1 Not much is known about Boötes 1 except for the fact that it seems to disrupt the tidal flow of our galaxy, The Milky Way Galaxy. Boötes 1 is a faint galaxy with a luminosity of only 100,000 Solar Luminosity(L). Solar Lumonsity is the unit of radiant flux, which is The Power emitted in photon form, used by Astronomers to measure a stars, galaxies and other celestial object's lumonsity. Introduction
Cosmos Redshift 7, other names being Galaxy Cosmos Redshift 7, Galaxy CR7 and CR7, is a Redshift Lyman-Alpha Emitter Galaxy located inside The Sextans Constellation. A Redshift Lyman-Alpha Emitter Galaxy is a galaxy that emits Lyman-Alpha radiation from Neutral Hydrogen. Cosmos Redshift 7 is located 12.9 Billion Light Years from Earth. It's most recognized feature is that CR7 is threefold brighter than the brightest distant galaxy before it's discovery. Profile of Cosmos Redshift 7 Cosmos Redshift 7 was discovered by Astronomer with The Leader being David Sobral. Observation of Galaxy Cosmos Redshift 7 is observed as it was, due to stellar parallax, 800 Million Years after The Big Bang occurred, not a long time in Astronomy measurements. So it would seem that Cosmos Redshift 7 is indeed an Old Galaxy made close to the beginning of The Universe. Introduction
Centaurus A, also known as NGC 5128, Caldwell 77, PGC 46957, Arp 153 & 4U 1322-42, is Radio Galaxy, Starburst Galaxy and a debate Lenticular Galaxy or Elliptical Galaxy, located inside The Centaurus Constellation (Centaur). A Radio Galaxy is a galaxy with extremely luminous radio wavelengths. Centaurus A is located 10 Million Light Years to 16 Million Light Years from Earth. The size of Centaurus A is 60,000 Light Years. Profile of Centaurus A Centaurus A was discovered on April 29th, 1826 by Scottish Astronomer James Dunlop while surveying through the Parramatta Observatory. Centaurus A is the closest Radio Galaxy to Earth and The Solar System and it is the fifth brightest galaxy in the night sky here on Earth. The Supermassive Black Hole in The Center of Centaurus A is 55 Million Solar Masses and it ejects relativistic jets which in turn cause emissions of Radio Wavelengths and X Ray Wavelengths. Inside of Centaurus A also, are two Supernovae, SN 1986G and SN2016adj. Introduction
Porpoise Galaxy, also known as NGC 2936, UGC 5130 and MCG+01-25-006, is an Interacting Spiral Galaxy located inside The Hydra Constellation. An Interacting Galaxy is a galaxy that has a gravitational field that disrupts another galaxies gravitational field and vice versa. Interacting Galaxies could also be called Colliding Galaxies. Porpoise is located 352 Million Light Years from Earth. NGC 2936 gets it's named 'Porpoise Galaxy' because of its similarity to the sea animal, The Porpoise, which is similar to The Sea Animal, The Dolphin. Profile of The Porpoise Galaxy The Porpoise Galaxy was discovered on March 3rd, 1864 by German Astronomer Albert Marth. The Porpoise Galaxy is Interacting or Colliding with an Elliptical Galaxy known as NGC 2937. German Astronomer Albert Marth actually discovered both these two galaxies, NGC 2936 and NGC 2937, at the same time of observation. The Porpoise Galaxy because it became an Interacting Spiral Galaxy, was just a regular Flat Spiral Galaxy. Until, the two gravitational fields of both NGC 2936 and NGC 2937, started interacting with one another; and the Porpoise Galaxy would never be the same. NGC 2936's shape started morphing from a flat shape to the shape that we see today, the shape of a Porpoise. One day the NGC 2936 and NGC 2937 will collide completely and become a new galaxy, what it will look like is for the future to know. Introduction
The Starfish Galaxy, also known as NGC 6240, IC 4652, UGC 10592, PGC 59186 & VV617, is an Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy (ULIRG) located inside The Ophiuchus Constellation. It is located 400 Million Light Years away from Earth. It gets its title from its resemblance to that of a Starfish. Profile of Starfish Galaxy The Starfish Galaxy 1983 by unnamed Astronomers. The Starfish Galaxy's most notable feature is that of the presence of not one, but three Supermassive Black Holes. This suggest far back in time that three different large galaxies merged and from into what we know today as NGC 6240. This would have taken awhile to accomplish however, for fusion of just two galaxies takes more than an estimated billion years. Our own galaxy will one day do the same as the original galaxies of NGC 6240 have done. For we will merge with The Andromeda Galaxy and become one. Just like The Starfish Galaxy. Introduction
Hoag's Object also known as PGC 54559 and PRC D-51, is a non-typical galaxy type called a ring galaxy due to it's ring-like appearance. Hoag's Object is located inside The Serpens Caput(Serpent Head) which is a part of The Serpens Constellation and is located 612.8 ± 9.4 Million Light Years from Earth. Profile of Hoag's Object Hoag's Object was discovered in 1950 by American Astronomer Arthur Allen Hoag who originally classified it as a Planetary Nebula or a Peculiar Galaxy. In the first announcement of the new discovery, Hoag proposed the hypothesis that the visible ring was because of gravitational lensing. This proposition was discarded later on due to the nucleus and the ring have the same exact redshift, and because more advanced telescopes revealed the weird structure of the ring. Hoag's Object has eight Billion Stars within the bounds of its existence. Hoag's Object mave have been a product of an extreme bar instability that occurred a few billion years ago within a barred spiral galaxy. In The Center point of the ring that big shiny object is a collection of old stars that combined to form the middle of Hoag's Object. The Hoag's Object is indeed unique and is definitely worth exploring more of in the future. Introduction
The Fornax Galaxy, also known as The Fornax Dwarf, Fornax Dwarf Elliptical,Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal, Fornax Dwarf Galaxy, Fornax dSph, PGC 10093 and ESO 356-4, is a galaxy located inside The Fornax Constellation; Fornax is Latin for Furnace so it's The Furnace Constellation. The Fornax Galaxy is classified as an Elliptical Dwarf Galaxy. The Fornax Galaxy is located 460±30 Million Light Years from our Home World, The Earth. Profile of Fornax Dwarf Galaxy The Fornax Galaxy was discovered in 1938 by American Scientist Harlow Shapley in South Africa at the Boyden Observatory using the Bruce Refractor. The Fornax Galaxy is a satellite to our galaxy, The Milky Way Galaxy. The Fornax dSph is owns six globular clusters, the largest of these clusters was actually discovered before it was, it's name, NGC 1049. Introduction
The Eye of Sauron, also known as NGC 4151, UGC 7166 and PGC 38739, is an Intermediate Spiral Seyfert Galaxy, located inside Canes Venatici Constellation (Hunting Dog Constellation). An Intermediate Spiral Seyfert Galaxy is a combination of an Intermediate Spiral Galaxy, a galaxy that is in between both a barred spiral galaxy and an unbarred spiral galaxy and a Seyfert Galaxy, one of the two largest groups of active galaxies, with the other type bring quasars. Seyfert Galaxies have quasar-like nuclei with very high surface brightnesses whose spectra reveal Powerful, high-ionisation emission lines, however, unlike quasars, their host galaxies are clearly detectable. The Eye of Sauron is 61.97 Million Light Years from Earth and is 13.25 Billion Years Old. The Eye of Sauron has a mass of around 50 Million Solar Masses & it gets it's nickname, Eye of Sauron, due to its similarity to looks of that of The Eye of Sauron from The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. Profile on Eye of Sauron The Eye of Sauron Galaxy was discovered in March of 1787 by German-Born British Astronomer William Herschel. It is believed that in The Eye of Sauron, a Supermassive Black Hole is increasing in size, with the mass of around 40 Million Solar Masses. The energy released by the celestial material going inside The Supermassive Black Hole in an accretion disk created an outflow of gas from the surface of the disk. Introduction
The Sunflower Galaxy, also known as Messier 63, M63, NGC 5055, PGC 46153 amd UGC 8334, is a Spiral Galaxy located in Canes Venatici Constellation (Hunting Dogs Constellation). The Sunflower Galaxy gets its name from it's similar look to that of the bud of a Sunflower. The Sunflower Galaxy is 29.3 Million Light Years from Earth and is 13.28 Billion Years old. The Sunflower Galaxy has a mass of approximately 110 Billion Solars mass and a radius of 49,000 Light Years. Profile of Messier 63 The Sunflower Galaxy was discovered by French Astronomer Pierre Méchain and was confirmed by another French Astronomer, Charles Messier, in June of 1779. Messier 63 has 400 Billion Stars within its bounds and is 850 fold the mass of The Sun. The Sunflower Galaxy is in fact, a weakly active galaxy, Low-ionization Nuclear Emission-line Region (LINER) nucleus; which basically means that it's center isn't a lumonist as a Normal Active Galaxy. The Sunflower Galaxy is a member of the M51 Group, a group of galaxies located inside The Canes Venatici Constellation. Some of the other galactic members of this group are The Whirlpool Galaxy, NGC 5023 & NGC 5229. Introduction
Medusa Merger, also known as NGC 4194, UGC 7241, PGC 39068, ARP 160 or Medusa Galaxy Merger, is a Galaxy located inside of The Ursa Major Constellation (Big Bear Constellation, Big Dipper). The Medusa Merger is a region in The Eye of Medusa Nebula where Extreme Star Formation occurs. The Medusa Merger is 128.8 Million Light Years from Earth. The Merging The Medusa Merger was not alway one. Once in a blue moon, The Medusa Merger was two different celestial objects until one day, an Early Galaxy merged with a smaller gas system and was fused in one, The Medusa Merger. Introduction
The Comet Galaxy, also known as 2dFGRS TGS132Z144, EQ J235144-260358, LEDA 3234374, VCC 1217 & IC 3418, is a Spiral Galaxy located inside The Sculptor Constellation. The Comet Galaxy is 3.2 Billion Light Years from Earth. 2dFGRS TGS132Z144 has a mass of 100 Million Solar Masses and a length of 600,000 Light Years. Profile of Comet Galaxy The Comet Galaxy was discovered in March of 2007 by The Hubble Space Telescope. It was located inside a Galaxy Cluster known as Abell 2667. As of Today, The Comet Galaxy is being torn apart by The Galaxy Cluster, Abell 2667. The Tidal forces are pulling away The Comet Galaxy's star like The Ocean being pulled on Earth by The Moon, Luna. It is believed that this process of tearing apart The Comet Galaxy will take up to One Billion Years and that at the time of The Hubble Space Telescope's observation of The Comet Galaxy, that the process is already 200 Million Year into the making of this calamity for The Comet Galaxy. Conclusion A cruel fate for such a beautiful galaxy. But as the old saying goes, 'Not everything last forever'. All things eventually end or transform into something different. The Milky Way Galaxy will eventually collide with The Andromeda Galaxy, The Sun will become a Red Giant & The Earth once had Dinosaurs. Things change and die out, it is the natural process of The Universe and The Comet Galaxy is no exception. Introduction
The Cigar Galaxy, by another name is called Messier 82, M82, NGC 3034, UGC 5322, Arp 337, PGC 28655, 3C 231, is a Starburst Galaxy, like The Baby Boom Galaxy, inside The Ursa Major Constellation, like The Pinwheel Galaxy. The Cigar Galaxy gets its distinct name from it resemblance to that of a Cigar and Cigarette. The Cigar Galaxy is located 12.4 Million Light Years from Earth. Messier 82 has a radius of 60 Light Years and a mass of 2400 Billion Solar Masses. Profile of Cigar Galaxy The Cigar Galaxy was discovered on December 31st, 1774, by German Astronomer Johann Elert Bode. Johann described Messier 82 as a Nebulous Patch with a very pale and elongated shape. The Cigar Galaxy is 13.24 Billion Years Old and has around 1 trillion Stars. Before 2005, NGC 3034 was believed to be an irregular galaxy but two symmetrical spiral arms were discovered with Near-Infrared (NIR) images. One Supernova located inside of The Cigar Galaxy is SN 2014J which is classified as a Type 1A Supernova. SN 2014J was discovered in January of 2014. |
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