The idea of reptilian aliens traces back to ancient civilizations that depicted reptilian deities or gods in their art, architecture, and mythology. The Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayans, among others, all have references to serpent-like beings with significant influence over human affairs. These representations have been interpreted by some as evidence of ancient contact with reptilian extraterrestrial beings. Modern Reptilian Conspiracy Theories The modern concept of reptilian aliens gained prominence through the works of authors like David Icke, who presented a complex narrative involving shapeshifting reptilian aliens infiltrating human society to control governments, institutions, and the media. Icke's theories are often met with skepticism from the mainstream scientific community due to the lack of empirical evidence supporting his claims. Critics argue that these ideas are speculative and lack scientific rigor. Psychological and Sociological Aspects The fascination with reptilian aliens also reflects certain psychological and sociological dynamics. The idea of powerful, hidden forces controlling human affairs taps into age-old fears of manipulation and loss of control. These theories provide a convenient scapegoat for societal issues, attributing them to external, malevolent forces rather than complex human systems. Lack of Empirical Evidence Scientifically, the reptilian alien hypothesis faces significant challenges. No concrete evidence, such as direct observations, credible witness testimonies, or physical artifacts, supports the existence of reptilian extraterrestrial beings. Moreover, the idea of shapeshifting aliens raises questions about the plausibility of such a phenomenon from a biological and physiological standpoint. Misinterpretations and Symbolism Many researchers argue that the depictions of reptilian beings in ancient art and mythology can be better understood as symbolic representations rather than evidence of literal extraterrestrial contact. These symbols might reflect cultural interpretations of natural phenomena, cosmic forces, or spiritual concepts that were meaningful to those societies. Extraterrestrial Life and Possibilities While the reptilian alien narrative lacks scientific credibility, the broader question of extraterrestrial life remains an open and compelling field of inquiry. Scientists continue to search for microbial life on Mars, study the potential habitability of exoplanets, and investigate the potential for intelligent civilizations elsewhere in the universe. Conclusion The notion of reptilian aliens is a captivating blend of ancient mythology, conspiracy theories, and modern psychology. While it captures the imagination and stimulates discussions, the lack of empirical evidence and the logical challenges it presents make it a speculative concept. As we continue to explore the cosmos and search for signs of life beyond Earth, it's essential to distinguish between evidence-based science and imaginative storytelling to separate fact from fiction.
The Space Brothers
The concept of Space Brothers can be traced back to the mid-20th century, during a time when UFO sightings and reports of encounters with unidentified flying objects were on the rise. One of the earliest figures associated with the Space Brothers idea is George Adamski, who claimed to have met and communicated with beings from Venus. Adamski's accounts were met with both fascination and skepticism, yet they laid the foundation for the Space Brothers archetype. According to proponents of the Space Brothers concept, these alien entities are often depicted as advanced, enlightened beings who possess a deep concern for Earth's well-being. They are described as benevolent mentors, offering humanity guidance and wisdom in areas such as spirituality, technology, and environmental stewardship. Cultural Permeation While the Space Brothers concept might seem like a fringe idea, it has managed to find its way into various aspects of global culture. From literature and movies to spiritual teachings, the idea of benevolent extraterrestrial mentors has been embraced by different communities. In the 1950s and 1960s, science fiction literature and B-movies often portrayed alien visitors as friendly Space Brothers who came to Earth to assist humans in times of crisis. These narratives resonated with the era's optimism about space exploration and the potential for interstellar collaboration. Spiritual movements also picked up on the Space Brothers concept, interpreting it through a more metaphysical lens. Some spiritual leaders and groups believe that these advanced beings are working behind the scenes to guide humanity toward a more enlightened future. They often emphasize messages of unity, love, and the importance of harmonious coexistence with nature. Implications and Speculations The Space Brothers concept raises a range of questions and speculations. If these beings do exist, what is their origin? Are they truly benevolent, or might there be more complex motivations behind their interactions with us? The idea also intersects with philosophical inquiries about the nature of advanced civilizations and their potential role in the universe. From a scientific perspective, the Space Brothers concept faces significant challenges. The distances between stars are vast, making interstellar travel a daunting endeavor. Additionally, the lack of concrete evidence for the existence of advanced extraterrestrial beings hinders its acceptance within the mainstream scientific community. Conclusion The notion of Space Brothers presents a captivating blend of science fiction, spirituality, and human imagination. While its origins can be traced back to a time when UFO sightings and reports were abundant, the concept's enduring presence in culture reflects our deep-rooted fascination with the unknown and the possibility of benevolent extraterrestrial guidance. Whether as a source of inspiration for fiction or a philosophical inquiry into our place in the cosmos, the Space Brothers concept reminds us that the universe remains full of mysteries waiting to be explored. Introduction
The World we live in, Earth, is filled with stories, in almost every culture and Tradition, of Dragons. Sometimes they Breathe Fire, other times they do magic, they could also sometimes hide in a cave liar with tons of gold and treasures and some of them can even speak Latin. The common theme however, is that they are large, scaly, reptilian monsters who can fly. Now whether they are good or bad, is ultimately up to which Tradition you observe. In European Tradition, Dragons are bad and In Asian Tradition, they are good; and they look a little different too. In Europe, they are big dinosaur-like creatures while in East Asia, they are serpent-like creatures. Either way, they do have their core characteristics that make them recognizable as Dragons across The World. Today, we not see any evidence really, of the actual existence of Dragons. So how do we get these myths, legends and lore? One theory is that they once roamed The Earth and were as common as cattle or sheep and that they eventually went extinct like The Moa or Dodo Bird. Another is that they are inspired by an alien species from a far away galaxy that not only comes to visits us, but controls our macro-species actions as we speak. Alpha Dragon There are some who believe that in The Draco Constellation(The Dragon Constellation) is a galaxy, The Draco Galaxy (The Dragon Galaxy), lies a planet of humanoid dragons called The Draco World (The Dragon World). It is believed that many eons ago, these humanoids dragons, known as Draconians or Alpha Draconians, came to Earth to enslave humanity and mined resources for The Draconians own benefits. It is believed that just like reptiloids, that Alpha Draconians disguise themselves as humans and run The World between closed doors. Not only that, but they are believed to actually be actively suppressing human knowledge and evolution and holding us back from Universal domination. Conclusion If this is true about domination of humanity by The Alpha Draconians, how can we stop them from controlling our species? Is it already too late? Will Humanity rise up overthrow The Alpha Draconians and Dominant The Universe?! Only time can tell. Introduction
Mars, our nextdoor neighbor planet. A red planet that is today being etched plans to not only visit, but to colonize as well. For it is believed that man can one day be able to live on Mars just like he does on Earth. It is also believed that Mars once had inhabitants on its surface, just like on Earth, and not just microscopic organisms, but multicell intelligent life-forms as well. What if however, their is currently life on mars? What if, there are, Martians!? Martians It hath been speculated that there might actually be life on Mars by some. Even though we have sent multiple Rovers to Mars with cameras attached to capture what is on Mars, doesn't mean they aren't there. It may hath just missed them, or they are underground. The only way to really find out, i guess, is to go there and explore it ourselves. Martians are believed to be Green like The Green Alien (Little Green Men) however the eyes are believed to be slightly smaller, the body is taller and the heads have dents running down the middle of the forehead. Popular Culture Martians Martians are depicted in many different ways in Popular culture than the official look. Martians have been depicted in multiple shows such as The War of The Worlds, Mars Attacks, Invaders from Mars, Marvin The Martian, Justice League and Spaced Invaders. Conclusion The idea of having aliens, and not just aliens, but neighbor aliens, is an idea that fascinates the human mind and simultaneously makes it fearful. What if it's friendly? What if it's evil? What if it's hiding? The uncertainty is the same uncertainty that makes man desire to study and explore space and beyond! Disclaimer: This is not a factual article but a fun one that explores lore in Astronomy. Introduction
The Most common talked about Alien is The Grey Alien, but in a close second, is The Green Alien. Also known as Little Green Men, are very similar in aesthetic feature, that of The Greys, with the differences being, a shorter height and instead of grey, are green. The Start of The Green Alien The First reports of Green Aliens come from The 1950's in The United States of America. Reports of UFO flying saucers with 'Little Green Men' became a Popular UFO sighting in The 50's. Today it is believe that both The Greys and Green Aliens, are being tested in a government territory known as Area 51. Origin Point There are, just like The Greys, believe to be multiple home planets for The Green Alien. One such place, just like The Greys, is Planet X, The Tenth Planet. Planet X is believe to be a tenth planet in The Solar System that is on a collision course straight to Earth. Another home area, is Alpha Centauri; a Star system 4.37 Light Years from Earth. Introduction
Today, we will discuss space not in the Astronomy sense, but more of the Sci Fi areas around it. This includes Planet X, Aliens, UFOs, Flying Saucers and more. Nothing in here should be taken too seriously and this will be more of a fun topic. Disclaimer, all these things may or may not exist, as of now, it does not, but is subject to change in the near and/or far future. World 10 Planet X is the undiscovered 10th planet in The Solar System. In 2005 NASA claims to have found a tenth planet the size of if not a bit bigger than Pluto. The distance of this planet from The Sun was an estimated 10 Billion Millions! However, I could not find any further information about this particular planet anywhere I looked; strange to say the least. Traditionally, Planet X was thought to be a planet that would one day come straight for Earth and destroy it! Another name for this planet was Nibiru. As cool as this sounds, this is a work of complete fiction and has no basis in any actual scientific knowledge. Aliens Aliens, UFOs and other unearthly things have in the mind of man since man has looked to the stars. UFO's are Unidentified Flying Objects commonly correlated with Flying Saucers. These Flying Saucers are believed to hold Aliens. There many different types of Aliens believed to exist and claimed to have even been witnessed. The most famous of these Aliens are The Greys. The Greys are described as 3 to 4 foot Humanoid Aliens with Grey Skin and big black almond shaped eyes without a nose but nostrils present. Greys also have slits for mouths and 3-4 fingers including thumbs. Greys have been claimed to be responsible for several abductions of human beings with probing being a staple act committed by these E.T.s (Extra-Terrestrials). Another type of space alien is The Green Alien also called little green men. Green Aliens are described as Short Green Skinned humanoids who look similar to The Greys, except they are Green. The Green Aliens are also known for Human abductions and probing. The next alien is The Martian. The martian seems to be a variant of The Green Alien in most lore but their head shaped can be more concaved than The Green Aliens. Martians show up looking different than however in movies like The War of The Worlds. Another Alien race is the Nordic aliens, these include Space Brothers, Tall Whites and Venusians. Nordic Aliens are known for having tall blonde hair and blue eyes and being very tall. Today, some believe they live underground in the Himalayas. Another type of Alien is the Reptilians, Reptiloids and/or Alpha Draconians. They are tall and scaly. Alpha Draconians specifically are from The Draco Galaxy or The Dragon Galaxy and their Home World is Draconis/ Alpha Draconis or The Dragon World. They within a ton of conspiracy theories including one where they in fact run The World! The Last type of Alien we will discuss are the Andromedans. The Andromedans are said to be a benevolent race of Aliens that live in The Andromeda Galaxy. They are said to have a lifespan of 5000 Earth years. They also have the Power of telepathy. Their purpose is to bring Peace and Love to The Universe and free races enslaved by The evil reptilian race The Alpha Draconians. Andromedans are said to have The Mastery of All Scientific endeavors and are a part of The Galactic Federation. Exoplanets Exoplanets are planets that orbit a star that is not our Sun and is outside our solar system. Prior to January 1992, it was common dogma that no planet existed outside The Solar System. Now the first time evidence came up about the possibility of Exoplanets was way back in 1917. This however was not confirmed and wouldn't be confirmed for another 75 Years. It was only Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Pluto was still considered a planet at this point in time. Then, on January 9th, 1992; two planets were discovered outside The Solar System orbiting Pulsar PSR 1257+12. Exoplanets were found by spots in their star were light is blocked out, the thing blocking out the light is the Exoplanet itself. Today January 2020, there are a confirmed 4,160 discovered Exoplanets. So much for Exoplanets not existing. Conclusion Whether Aliens, UFOS, Exoplanets or a Earth destroying World heading our way, we should keep an open mind about what could be possible in The Universe. That is not to say that we should drop all logic and reason; and science itself, and believe these claims without any evidence or scientific proof. What I am merely saying is that we do not know for sure what is out there, we once didn't believe exo planets existed and believed in a flat Earth. we should not dismiss things, based on prior beliefs, if indisputable evidence comes to form a new way of knowing things. Remember we do not know everything and that should excite us because curiously and discover is what drives our species to do things like create computers, build large structures and go to space itself. |
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