The Jupiter Trojans
Jupiter Trojans also known as Trojan Asteroids or Trojans, are a Giant Team of Asteroids that share the same orbit around The Sun that Jupiter does. Jupiter Trojans were discovered by Italian Joseph-Louis Lagrange. The First Trojan was discovered by German Astronomer Maximillian Franz Joseph Cornelius; who titled it 588 Achilles. Relative to Jupiter, each Trojan librates around one of Jupiter's two stable Lagrange points: L4, lying 60 degrees ahead of the planet in its orbit, and L5, 60 degrees behind. Jupiter trojans are distributed in two elongated, curved regions around these Lagrangian points with an average semi-major axis of about 5.2 Astronomical Units. The name Trojan Asteroid specifically refers to the asteroids co-orbital with Jupiter, alas the general term Trojan is sometimes just generally applied to other small Solar System bodies with similar relationships to larger bodies: for example, there are both Mars Trojans and Neptune Trojans, as well as a recently discovered Earth Trojans. The term Trojan asteroid is normally understood to specifically mean the Jupiter trojans because The First Trojans were discovered near Jupiter's orbit and Jupiter currently has by far the most known Trojans. There are 7040 known Jupiter Trojans. Some of The Trojan Camp Jupiter Trojans are 2241 Alcathous, 3317 Paris, 617 Patroclus, 884 Priamus, 1208 Troilus, 1870 Glaukos, 1871 Astyanax, 1872 Helenos, 2895 Memnon, 4754 Panthoos, 4827 Dares, 4828 Misenus, 4805 Asterpaios, 5511 Cloanthus, 11554 Asios, 12444 Prothoon & 16560 Daitor. Some of The Classical World camp Jupiter Trojans are 588 Achilles, 1143 Odysseus, 624 Hektor, 659 Nestor, 911 Agamemnon, 1404 Ajax, 1437 Diomedes, 1583 Antilochus, 1647 Menelaus, 1749 Telamon, 2920 Automedon, 3391 Sinon, 3793 Leonteus, 4543 Phoinix, 4834 Meges, 5254 Ulysses, 9713 Oceax and 12238 Actor.
Space anomalies tend to recur often even within our own Solar System. Lets says things such as planets, moons and even Asteroids belts. Ah yes, there is a second Asteroid belt in our Solar System, well not exactly but similar. Unlike The Asteroid Belt however, this similar belt in space lies a few Astronomical Units farther than it does. This belt is known as The Kuiper Belt. The Kuiper Belt is a belt consisting of small rocks that is left over debris from The early Solar System. The Kuiper belt is much larger than The Asteroid Belt, in measurements it is about 20 times widers and 200 times more massive. The Rookie Asteroid Belt vs The Juggernaut Kuiper Belt to put it simply. Farther Out but closer in The Kuiper Belt lies between the location of The Asteroid Belt and The Oort Cloud. It is further out than the Asteroid Belt and Closer in than The Oort Cloud. These three are very similar in what they consist of by the three's sizes are at much different scales. The Asteroid belt is smaller than the Kuiper Belt while The Oort Cloud is much more colossal taking up space 99 times the size of The Solar System within its boundaries. One is a lot smaller and the other is bigger at a greater scale than that of the former. Location The Kuiper Belt is located past the planet Neptune about 50 Astronomical Units away from The Sun. Some of Neptune's Moons like Triton and and some of Saturn Moon's like Phoebe are believed to have come from The Kuiper Belt. Pluto is within the borders of The Kuiper Belt. The Kuiper Belt consist of failed planets, planetesimals , Asteroids, Meteoroids and fragments of the original pre planetary dust from The Sun. Conclusion Many dwarf Planets like Pluto are believed to be within The Kuiper Belt. It goes the show that we sometimes need to look deeper into something to find an answer. There may be thousands of Dwarf Planets or maybe even Planets inside of The Kuiper Belt. We may never know that for sure unless we keep observing it. Seek the answer and thou shalt find it. Introduction
Speeding Icy celestial objects that pass by the Sun, heat up and release gas or as we like to come them, Comets. Comets are an astronomical phenomenon that captures our imagination and puts us at awe. The release of gas from comets is a process known as outgassing. Comets have coma, which are the nebulous envelopes of a Comet, that when it starts to heat up produces a tail which forms a comet. Where they come from Comets can come from multiple sources. One source is The Kuiper Belt. These comets are called Short-period Comets. Comets that originate from The Oort Cloud are titled Long-period Comets. Any Comets that are from outside The Solar System are called Exocomets, just like Planets outside The Solar System are known as exoplanets. Where they go Three things can happen to comets. Departure (ejection) from The Solar System, Volatiles exhausted & Breakups and Collisions. Departure or ejection from The Solar System is when either The Comets just leaves The Solar System in its cycle or is thrown out due to strong gravity.Volatiles exhausted Comets are those who fade away overtime. Breakups and Collisions are what they say they are, Breakups are when the comets breaks apart and no longer is a comet and a collision is when the comet collides which another form of solid matter, halting its path indefinitely. Introduction
Hast thou ever seen a shooting star at night? Hath thou make a wish to said star. Did it come true? Well even if your wish did come true, I hate to break it to you, but you weren't wishing to a falling star. You made a wish to a Meteoroid. Meteoroids Meteoroids are rocks in space that tend to sometimes hang out in the asteroid belt. It is not an Asteroid however for it is smaller than an asteroid. The difference between Asteroids and Meteoroids is hazy but the working scale for meteoroids is that its measurement are from 100 micrometers to 33 feet across. Not very large alot in terms of Astronomical objects are concerned. If an object of the same substance falls under these limits are classified as micrometeoroids or interplanetary dust. The substance that meteoroids consist of are nickel(ni) and Iron(fe). Meteoroids come in three leagues; Iron, Stone and Stony-Iron. Meteors Meteors are what you make a wish to at night. No a shooting star is not a star, but a meteor. I know, bummer right? Meteors are meteoroids, the difference is that its gleaming and luminous. Meteors are not only Meteoroids but are likewise Asteroids, Comets and micrometeoroids. Oh and I almost forgot to mention, a meteor, in order to be classified as a Meteor, has to gain entrance into Earth's atmosphere. This is why meteors are also called falling stars, since they are literally falling into Earth. Back when Earth was young and with Aloha, meteors would constantly collide with Earth which formed carters on Earth that we see today. One theory behind I most famous satellite, The Moon, is that i was once a Meteor that hit Earth and became a Moon, or that a meteor hit Earth, broke off a piece of it and formed Luna; The Moon. Also The mass extinction of The Dinosaurs was to believed to be caused by an Asteroids which entered Earth's Atmosphere, i.e. a Meteor. Meteor Shower A lot of things we see in the night sky are absolutely marvelous and spectacular. One of those things is a Meteor Shower. The Action in the sky known as a Meteor Shower is when a conglomeration of meteors radiate and stream across the sky. The Meteors typically come from Comets whose pieces were torn off and pulled into Earth's Atmosphere. This causes quite the spectacle to see. Meteorite A meteorite, like a Meteor enters Earth's atmosphere all the same, the only deviation being that a Meteorite actually strikes The Earth's surface. As was said earlier about Early Earth, The Moon and Dinosaurs, these events were not by all meteors but more pointedly all meteorites. Not all meteors hit Earth, but by definition, all meteorites hit Earth; otherwise it wouldn't be called a meteorite but just a meteor. Conclusion So let's go over it in summary one more time. A Meteoroids is like an Asteroids, just not as big. A Meteor can be a Meteoroids or asteroid or comet but it enter Earth atmosphere. Finally a Meteorite is a Meteor, but the difference is it makes it to the Earth's Surface; glad to clear that up simply. For every million square kilometers on Earth, 36 to 166 meteorites larger than 10 grams hit Earth every year. A weird thing to think about since we never really hear about it. It happen a lot even though 90 to 95 present of Meteors never even become Meteorites. We often think that we are safe from space stuff here on Earth, that nothing from space can kill us. But, to put it directly, we are not are sure of our safety from space as we think. Our days are numbered nonetheless and unless we have an execution date set for us, we simply do not know when that count will reach to zero. Knowing this, we should not live our lives as though it were a commodity; and we should not seek endless pleasure with bread and circuses; but that we should in fact live with a purpose. We should live to create a legacy for ourselves and leave a mark on this Earth. This gives us reason in life and even if we die unexpectedly, we do not die with regret for we hath lived a purposeful and fulfilling life. The asteroid beltIntroduction
In the middle of The Rock Worlds and The Gas Giants is ring of rocks known as The Asteroid belt. If you want to travel from Mars to Jupiter you first must pass through this vast array of rocks that spans 478,713,186 Kilometers or 297,458,583 Miles and has 1.9 Million Asteroids. Don't worry however, for the average distance between each Asteroid is 600,000 Miles or 965,606 Kilometers. Origins The Asteroid belt was built by Planetesimals which are very small protoplanets. These Planetesimals never formed into full-sized planet due to gravitational perturbations from Jupiter. This prevented the Planetesimals from growing into larger planets and perhaps some of the planetesimals later became Jupiter's moons. Imagine The Solar System instead of having 9 planets, having over a million planets, the way The Solar System works would look alot different. Asteroids The Asteroids themselves are made up of rocks and metal and are not spherical shaped like the planets are. The shapes of the asteroids are random and comes in a variety of weird shapes. One interesting fact is the theory that The Dinosaurs went extinct due to an Asteroid colliding with The Earth. A misplaced revenge for not becoming full planets in a way. Conclusion It's hard to imagine The Solar System having Millions of Worlds but one lesson that can be learned from The Asteroids is the fact that many things in life have potential and sometimes that potential isn't met to its fullest due to many factors. Many things could have happened but didn't for one reason or another. Without Jupiter we perhaps wouldn't have had an asteroid belt and many the dinosaurs wouldn't have gone extinct. With dinosaurs still on the Earth humans may have gone extinct by now. So it seems that things happen for a reason even in the natural world. Without The Asteroid belt, we may have well never existed. |
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