Noifasui, also known as Kalsiar or HD 117618 b is an exo planet orbitting the star HD 117618 located in The Centaurus Constellation. Noifasui has a mass of 0.178 ± 0.021 Jovian Mass/ Jupiter Mass or 56.5 Earth Mass with an average orbital speed of 74.4 meters per second and an orbital period of 25.827 ± 0.019 Earth Days or 0.070709 Earth Years. Information about Noifasui Noifasui was discovered on September 16th, 2004 by Welsh Astronomer Chris G. Tinney, American Astronomer Robert Paul Butler and American Astronomer Geoffrey William Marcy at the Anglo-Australian Observatory. The name Noifasui was given to HD 117618 b by The International Astronomical Union. Noifasui is a gas giant 1/5th the size of Jupiter.
The Harriot World
The Harriot World, also known as 55 Cancri F, is an exoplanet located in The Cancer Constellation. Harriot World orbits around a red dwarf star known as 55 Cancri A and one revolution lasts 260 Earth Days. Harriot World is located 41 Light Years away from Earth. The Harriot World was discovered on April 11th 2005 by The American Astronomical Society. The International Astronomy Union gave 55 Cancri F the name Harriot in 2015, naming it after English Astronomer Thomas Harriot. Harriot World is believed to be a Gas Giant with no solid surface like Jupiter is thought to not hath. The Harriot World is located 0.781 Astronomical Units from its Star 55 Cancri A, which is in The Habitable Zone, meaning it could contain a water (H2O) surface. Introduction
Today, we will discuss space not in the Astronomy sense, but more of the Sci Fi areas around it. This includes Planet X, Aliens, UFOs, Flying Saucers and more. Nothing in here should be taken too seriously and this will be more of a fun topic. Disclaimer, all these things may or may not exist, as of now, it does not, but is subject to change in the near and/or far future. World 10 Planet X is the undiscovered 10th planet in The Solar System. In 2005 NASA claims to have found a tenth planet the size of if not a bit bigger than Pluto. The distance of this planet from The Sun was an estimated 10 Billion Millions! However, I could not find any further information about this particular planet anywhere I looked; strange to say the least. Traditionally, Planet X was thought to be a planet that would one day come straight for Earth and destroy it! Another name for this planet was Nibiru. As cool as this sounds, this is a work of complete fiction and has no basis in any actual scientific knowledge. Aliens Aliens, UFOs and other unearthly things have in the mind of man since man has looked to the stars. UFO's are Unidentified Flying Objects commonly correlated with Flying Saucers. These Flying Saucers are believed to hold Aliens. There many different types of Aliens believed to exist and claimed to have even been witnessed. The most famous of these Aliens are The Greys. The Greys are described as 3 to 4 foot Humanoid Aliens with Grey Skin and big black almond shaped eyes without a nose but nostrils present. Greys also have slits for mouths and 3-4 fingers including thumbs. Greys have been claimed to be responsible for several abductions of human beings with probing being a staple act committed by these E.T.s (Extra-Terrestrials). Another type of space alien is The Green Alien also called little green men. Green Aliens are described as Short Green Skinned humanoids who look similar to The Greys, except they are Green. The Green Aliens are also known for Human abductions and probing. The next alien is The Martian. The martian seems to be a variant of The Green Alien in most lore but their head shaped can be more concaved than The Green Aliens. Martians show up looking different than however in movies like The War of The Worlds. Another Alien race is the Nordic aliens, these include Space Brothers, Tall Whites and Venusians. Nordic Aliens are known for having tall blonde hair and blue eyes and being very tall. Today, some believe they live underground in the Himalayas. Another type of Alien is the Reptilians, Reptiloids and/or Alpha Draconians. They are tall and scaly. Alpha Draconians specifically are from The Draco Galaxy or The Dragon Galaxy and their Home World is Draconis/ Alpha Draconis or The Dragon World. They within a ton of conspiracy theories including one where they in fact run The World! The Last type of Alien we will discuss are the Andromedans. The Andromedans are said to be a benevolent race of Aliens that live in The Andromeda Galaxy. They are said to have a lifespan of 5000 Earth years. They also have the Power of telepathy. Their purpose is to bring Peace and Love to The Universe and free races enslaved by The evil reptilian race The Alpha Draconians. Andromedans are said to have The Mastery of All Scientific endeavors and are a part of The Galactic Federation. Exoplanets Exoplanets are planets that orbit a star that is not our Sun and is outside our solar system. Prior to January 1992, it was common dogma that no planet existed outside The Solar System. Now the first time evidence came up about the possibility of Exoplanets was way back in 1917. This however was not confirmed and wouldn't be confirmed for another 75 Years. It was only Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Pluto was still considered a planet at this point in time. Then, on January 9th, 1992; two planets were discovered outside The Solar System orbiting Pulsar PSR 1257+12. Exoplanets were found by spots in their star were light is blocked out, the thing blocking out the light is the Exoplanet itself. Today January 2020, there are a confirmed 4,160 discovered Exoplanets. So much for Exoplanets not existing. Conclusion Whether Aliens, UFOS, Exoplanets or a Earth destroying World heading our way, we should keep an open mind about what could be possible in The Universe. That is not to say that we should drop all logic and reason; and science itself, and believe these claims without any evidence or scientific proof. What I am merely saying is that we do not know for sure what is out there, we once didn't believe exo planets existed and believed in a flat Earth. we should not dismiss things, based on prior beliefs, if indisputable evidence comes to form a new way of knowing things. Remember we do not know everything and that should excite us because curiously and discover is what drives our species to do things like create computers, build large structures and go to space itself. Introduction
Neptune is the eighth planet in The Solar System. This icy planet has an average temperature of Negative 214 degrees Celsius or Negative 353 degrees Fahrenheit. This is only naturally when your closest heat (The Sun) is 4.498 Billion Kilometers or 2.781 Million Miles away! No wonder, like Uranus, Neptune is a Ice Giant; well this is due the heavier than Hydrogen and Helium element Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Sulfur. A year on Neptune is 165 Earth Years! To put that into perspective, the oldest person have ever lived in known history, lived to 122 years old. Though Neptune has seen plenty of Neptune Years, due to the fact that Neptune itself is 4.503 Billion Earth Years old. This means that no human has ever lived one single Neptune year in known history! The oldest living animal in The World, The Ocean Quahog Clam can live to 507 Earth years which means, the oldest living thing on Earth, has only lived around 3 Neptune Years! If you have a New Year's resolution on Neptune, you better stick to it, it'll be the chance you have! The Mathematical Planet Most planets in The Solar System, were discovered the Old Fashion Way, observation. Not Neptune however. No, for Neptune was discovered Neither the naked eye nor the telescope, Neptune was discovered using Math. Years ago, when Astronomers were mapping the revolutions around The Sun by all the planets, Uranus's Calculation were off. Using Math, they discovered that this was due to another planet disturbing what the revolution was calculated to be. Using the math, they were able to locate the precise location of this planet, and when they looked at that spot, there it was, Neptune; caught red handed. Facts about Neptune Neptune has a mass of 1.024 X 10^26 kg and a radius of 15,299 Miles. The Ice of Neptune is slushy. Neptune's color is blue. Neptune has 14 confirmed Moons. The list of these moons are as follows: Triton, Thalassa, Naiad, Hippocamp, Proteus, Despina, Neso, Nereid, Galatea, Halimede, Laomedeia, Psamathe, Sao & Larissa. The Roman god Neptune Neptune is named after The Roman god Neptune who is the god of Water and The Sea. Neptune brothers were both Jupiter and Pluto. Neptunes Greek equivalent was Greek god Poseidon who was the god of The Sea, Earthquakes and Horses. An interesting about the one of the moons of the planet Neptune, Triton, is that Triton is the son of Poseidon and is the Greek demigod of The Sea. Conclusion Neptune teaches us that we may not always find the answers we are looking for by using the conventional methods. Most planets in The Solar System were discovered using the Traditional method of simple observation, either by the naked eye of through a telescope. When they went to calculate Uranus revolution around the Sun, something was off, and if they would have used the conventional method of observation, it may have taken forever to find Neptune, but since they adapted to the situation and used mathematics, they discovered a new planet. In life we must be willing to adapt in order to accomplish things that seem not to be accomplishable. This may be due to using old method that are out of date or just don't work for this particular problem. We must adjust our methods and eventually, we will find the solution. Introduction
Uranus is the seventh planet in The Solar System. It is the first of the planets that was not known by Ancient man and in fact wasn't known until 1781 A.D. In The Ancient World, Traditional Astronomy was done by the naked eye without any equipment. Now don't get me wrong, this is still a good form of Astronomy, before light pollution, Human Eyes could see quite a lot of the night sky. Just not Uranus however. Uranus was discovered via the telescope, a staple in Today's Astronomy. Today's telescope is miles better than telescope in 1781, but 1781 telescopes did discover Uranus. Bam! The seventh planet in The Solar System was canonized. Ice World 4.503 Billion Years ago, a whirling collection of dust and gas was pulled in together creating Uranus. Uranus became what is known today as , an Ice Giant. There are two Ice Giants in The Solar System, Uranus and Neptune (The eighth and next planet). An Ice Giant is a planet made of elements such as Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen & Sulfur. Uranus, and Neptune, are still Gas Giants however, but the reason they are classified as Ice Giants is because their Icy core is larger than the gas cloud surrounding the core. This is due to the heavier elements that these planets consist of. Jupiter and Saturn do not become Ice Giants and are Gas Giants because the elements they are made of are both Hydrogen and Helium which are lighter than Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulfur and Carbon. Uranus's Biography Uranus is 1.784 Billion Miles from The Sun. Uranus has a radius of 15,759 Miles and a Mass of 8.681 X 10^25 kilograms. One year on Uranus is 84 Earth years and the length of a day on Uranus is 17 Earth Hours. Uranus has 27 confirmed Moons. These include Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, Puck, Caliban, Mab, Prospero, Ferdinand, Juliet, Francisco and more. Uranus has 13 rings around it. The Sideways Planet The strangest fact out of all is the fact that Uranus's North-South is it's East-West and it East-West is it's North-South; Uranus is sideways. It believe that this occurred due to an Earth sized planet, colliding with Uranus at some point in time, causing it to tilt at a 97.77 degrees angle. This causes extreme seasons on Uranus where one part of the planet will not see The Sun for 21 years! The Classical Worlds Traditional Astronomy in The Ancient World only had six planets, The Classical Worlds. The Classical Worlds were Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Today, Uranus is canonized in The Solar System planet order and unlike Pluto, it's status is here to stay, unless it's destroyed ofcourse. The Greek god Uranus Uranus, like a lot of things, is first for something else. Uranus is the first planet named after Greek god and not a Roman god. The Greek god Uranus was the god of the sky. In Greek mythology he was Gaia's (Mother Earth) mate, Uranus is the reason for the first life on Earth. He was the father of The Titans, Cyclopes, Furies, Nymphs and Aphrodite. He is also known as Father Sky. He's Roman god equivalent is Caelus. Conclusion One thing that we can learn from Uranus, is that everything is not what it seems. Uranus is literally a sideways planet; and even though it is sideways and out of sync with the rest of the planets; it still continuously revolves around the sun, Uranus year after Uranus year. If we are sideways in life, we too should continue to hence forth towards our purpose in life and continue on no matter how difficult or weird things seems. Uranus can do it and so can you. Introduction
Saturn, The Sixth Planet in The Solar System and The Second Gas Giant. Saturn is also The Second Largest planet in The Solar System with a mass of 5.683 X 10^26 Kilograms and a radius of 36,184 Miles or 58233 Kilometers. Saturn is 890.8 Million Miles or 1434.6 Million Kilometers from The Sun and one year on Saturn is 29 Earth Years. Rings Saturn has three large rings orbiting it. Saturn's rings are made of billions of pieces of rocks, dust and ice. These pieces of Saturn's rings can be the size of a grain of sand on Earth. The rings of Saturn is it's most defining feature by far, like Jupiter's Size or Mars's Red color, The Rings of Saturn are want makes Saturn recognizable amongst the other planets in The Solar System. The Prince of The Moons Saturn has a confirmed 62 Moons orbiting around it. That's a few less than Jupiter so perhaps Saturn can be considered The Prince of The Moons. The list of The Major moons of Saturn included Titan, Rhea, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Lapetus. Other Moons orbiting Saturn include Atlas, Pan, Pandora, Janus, Telesto, Phoebe, Skoll and Narvi. The Roman god Saturn Saturn inherits its name from The Roman god of Generation, Dissolution, Plenty, Wealth, Agriculture, periodic renewal & liberation. The naming behind Saturn may be due to The Rings around Saturn which can be seen as a fashion statement of the wealthy. The Greek god equivalent is Cronus, The King of Titans and The Father of Zeus; The King of The gods. Cronus is The god of Time. Conclusion Saturn teaching us that having many rings brings you notoriety. Meaning that achieving things in life can bring you legendary status and have you engraved in the history books. Having rings or other articles of achievement shows as proof of one's conquering of goals in life and Saturn having large rings gives it a unique status in The Solar System. JupiterIntroduction
Jupiter, The Biggest planet in The Solar System! With a 1.898 X 10^27 kg, Jupiter can fit 1300 Earths inside it's circumference. It's radius is 43,441 Miles or 69,912 Kilometers and a surface area of 23.71 Billion Miles squared. Jupiter is The fifth planet in The Solar System with an asthoning distance of 483.8 Million Miles or 7786006272 Kilometers from The Sun. Jupiter is 4.503 Billion Years Old and a Year of Jupiter is 12 Earth Years. The Giant Jupiter is the first Gas Giant in The Solar System, other gas giants include Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. A Gas Giant is planet not made of solid rock or other solid material but made of a massive amount of gases like Hydrogen and Helium. Like Brown Dwarfs, Gas Giants are sometimes referred to as Failed Stars. The reason being is because Gas Giants contain elements that are commonly found in Stars like Hydrogen and Helium and Stars are too made of gas, well plasma more specifically. Though whether or not a gas giant being factually a failed star or not is still not completely known. Though Gas giant are not primarily made of sold rock, they usually do have a solid rock core underneath all that gas. Also Astronomers believe that Gas Giants start off as tiny solid icy planets that collect gas overtime and eventually became enormous balls of gas. Chaotic World Jupiter is World of Chaos. Storms are occurring on Jupiter constantly and relentlessly. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is in fact the largest storm in The Solar System. It is believed that THe Great Red Spot has existed on Jupiter since before 1665 A.D. That's a really big & long storm! Many Moons Jupiter has 79 knowns Moons orbiting it as of Today. The names of The Moons are as follows; Europa, Thebe, Metis, Ersa, Callisto, Io, Leda, Adrastea, Amalthea, Ganymede, Themisto, Himalia, Pandia, Dia, Lysithea, Elara, Euporie, S/2003 J 12, Carpo, Valetudo, Eupheme, S/2003 J 18, S/2010 J2, Thelxinoe, Euanthe, Helike, Orthosie, S/2017 J 7, S/2016 J 1, S/2017 J 3, Lacoste, S/2003 J 16, Praxidike, Harpalyke, Mneme, Hermippe, Thyone, S/2017 J 9, Ananke, Herse, Aitne, S/2017 J 6, S/2017 J1, Kale, Taygete, S/2003 J 19, Chaldene, Philophrosyne, S/2003 J 10, S/2003 J 23, Erinome, Aoede, Kallichore, S/2017 J 5, S/2017 J 8, Kalyke, Carme, Callirhoe, Eurydome, S/2017 J 2, Pasithee, S/2010 J 1, Kore, Cyliene, S/2011 J2, Eukelade, S/2017 J 1, S/2003 J 4, Pasiphae, Hegemone, Arche, Isonoe, S/2003 J 9, Eirene, Sinope, Sponde, Autonoe, S/2003 J 2, & Megaclite. With all these moons surrounding it, Jupiter can definitely be called the moon planet. The Roman god Jupiter Jupiter receives its name from The Roman god of Jupiter, who is known as The King of The gods, the god of The Sky & the god of Thunder. The Greek god equivalent is Zeus. Jupiter probably was named after The King of the gods due to its massive size compared to the other planets in The Solar System. Conclusion Jupiters massive size cannot be recognized by any humans with good eyesight. It's size has given it king status to the Ancients and Giant status to the contemporaries. In mythology Jupiter was known as The King of the gods and in Science it can be called The King of The Worlds. Introduction
Mars, the Red Planet, home to the Martians. Mars has been known of since as long as people have been doing Astrology or Astronomy. Mars is the fourth planet in The Solar System and was born 4.603 Billion years ago. For many years, it has been debated whether or not Mars was once a habitable planet and whether or not it may become one in the future. As of now however, it is not able to support any life on Earth without great assistance from technology. Red World Mars has an average temperature of -63 degrees Celsius or -81 degrees Fahrenheit way to cold for a human to live on, the livable temperature are liveable however, the high temps are 20 degrees Celsius and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. This would seem like a nice place to live, except for the fact the low temperature is -153 degrees Celsius or -243 degrees Fahrenheit. Not very habitable for humans after all. Mars Facts One year of Mars is 687 Earth Days and a Day on Mars is One Earth Day and 37 Earth Minutes. Mars is 141.6 Million Miles from The Sun. While Earth's gravity rate is 9.8 m/s ^2 Mars's gravity rate is 3.711 m/s^2 World of War Mars inherits its name from The Roman god Mars. Mars is the god of War. Mars was most likely given its name due to its Red appearance, red symbolizing the color of blood in War. With it's desert-like land, it is easy to fall under the belief that Mars might have been a planet full of life, but some great war destroyed it all. This is complete speculation if not outright fantasy, but nonetheless Mars does inspire many stories of its past, present and future. Introduction
Earth, The Aloha World. The planet with something we seem to be find anywhere else in The Universe, Life. No where else in The Universe have people been able to definitely say, there is complex life on that planet. We have found planet that may contain life, but we do not know for sure. For now, Earth is the planet of Life. The Start of Earth The Earth is 4.543 Billion Years old. Just like all Rock Worlds, Earth was formed when Gas and Dust came together due to the gravity and formed a spherical rock that revolved around The Sun. In the beginning Earth was a hot molten rock that could not support life like it does today, The Primeval Earth. Eventually however, The Earth would cool down to temperatures that are more recognizable in Today's World. Life on Earth When Earth cooled down enough, life began to formed. At first simple single-celled life forms like Amebas were born. Eventually though, more complex life forms were born, like Dinosaurs and Fish and Birds and eventually Humans. Today on Earth, there are about 8.7 million species of living things on Earth. Earth Facts The mass of The Earth is 5.972 X 10^24 Kilograms. The Earth is 92.96 Million miles from The Sun. 70 perfect of the Earth's surface is covered in Water. Conclusion The Circle of Life on Earth is much like The Circle of Life in The Universe. Things die and things are born in its place. It's is thought that, how we live here reflects a lot of what goes on out there. We are all a part of The Universe, so this is totally normal, we are what we are a product of and as star are born, live and die, we all too do the same on Earth. Introduction Venus, a hot rocky planet is the second closest to The Sun. Venus is in the middle of both Mercury and The Earth. It's old, it's beautiful and it will make burn you if you touch it, Venus, The Second World A close up of The hottest planet Venus is 4.503 Billion years old, it formed much the same way Mercury did, a large amount of gas and dust, falling under the weight of gravity in order to become a big rock that revolved around The Sun today. A year on Venus looks a lot more like a year on Earth than Mercury does, lasting 225 Earth Days. The Days on Venus however, are still very long and is still longer than a year, but not by much. A day on Venus is 243 Earth days. It's days are actually longer than Mercury's day, which are 176 Earth Days. This makes Venus very hot, hotter than Mercury in fact which is closer to The Sun than Venus is. On average Venus is 864 Degrees Fahrenheit or 462 Degrees Celsius while Mercury is 801 degrees Fahrenheit. Why s this however? This is can be chalked up to the longer days, however, Venus is farther away from The Sun than Mercury, so how can it be hotter? It's hotter because of its atmosphere. Venus's atmosphere acts as a heat vacuum, sucking in and containing the heat from The Sun, making Venus way hotter than Mercury could; Mercury doesn't even have an atmosphere, it never stood a chance in beating Venus in this bout. The Roman goddess Venus Venus receives its name from The Roman goddess Venus. Venus is the goddess of Love, Sex, Beauty and Fertility. Venus is the only female named planet in The Solar System. It was named Venus because of its brightness, illuminated brighter than the five other planets known at the time of it's naming. Venus's greek equivalent was Aphrodite the Greek goddess of Victory, fertility and prostitution. Conclusion Venus is the hottest planet in The Solar System. Venus proves that just because thou art closer to something hot, doesn't mean thou art necessarily the hottest object there is. It takes a lot more than proximity to The Sun in order for a planet to be hot. Atmosphere and other factors can attribute to the surface temperature of a planet and without an atmosphere, the temperature of a planet can drastically change. Venus is a hot planet, and it has its atmosphere to thank for that. MercuryIntroduction
Mercury, The First World in The Solar System. The planet that is closest to The Sun. It's years are short but it's days are not.Mercury, The hot rock of speed and mythological legend. Mercury, The First World. The First World's Start Mercury hath been around for 35.98 Million Earth Years. 4.5 Billion years, The gas and dust that would go on to become Mercury was pulled in together by gravity. Today that gas and dust is a solid rock known as Mercury. Mercury's Unique qualities Mercury's close proximity to The Sun makes its years very short relative to The Earth, only lasting 88 Earth days. To put that in perspective a typical University semester is 75 Earth days. It's days must be very short, right? Strangely, no! A day of Mercury is 176 Earth days. That's right, a day of Mercury is longer than a year on Mercury. So it revolves around The Sun faster than it rotates all the way around, because of this, Mercury's Days are Extremely Hot and Mercury's Nights are Extremely cold. During a Day on Mercury, Mercury's surface temperature can reach 801 degrees Fahrenheit or 427 degrees Celsius. Mercury's surface temperature at Night can be negative 290 degrees Fahrenheit or negative 180 degrees Celsius. Mercury is a weird planet by Earth's standards. The Roman god Mercury The First World received its title from The Roman god Mercury, Mercurius. Mercury, in mythology, was known for being the god of shopkeeping and merchants, travelers and transporters, & thieves and tricksters. The planet like The Roman god is known for it's/his speed. The Roman god Mercury, like it Greek equivalent Hermes, was the messenger of the gods. Conclusion Mercury is a strange world that flips our very notion of days and years on it's head. It proves that The Universe does not conform to Man's set notions of time and that we shouldn't be so narrow in thought when we study Space. Space is not always what we see and when we study Space, we should consider all possibilities, for the weirdest most unlikely solution, may be the correct answer. |
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