Aegaeon, also known as Saturn LIII and S/2008 S 1, is a moon that orbits Saturn. Aegaeon has a mass of 59,946,737,324 Kilograms, a mean density of 0.54 grams per centimeter cubed and a mean radius of 0.33 kilometers. Aegaeon has an orbital period of 0.80812 Earth Days. Aegaeon orbits in between Mimas and Janus. Profile of Aegaeon Aegaeon was discovered on March 3rd, 2009, by American Planetary Scientist Carolyn C. Porco. Aegaeon has a similar surface to the moon Methone, smooth. Aegaeon is named after The Classical World god of the storms of the Aegean Sea, Aegaeon. Aegaeon was an ally to The Titans in The War against The Olympians gods and The Titans.
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