Andromeda, also known as The Chained Lady, is a constellation in Space that borders Cassiopeia, Pegasus, Perseus, Pisces, Lacerta and Triangulum. Andromeda has 16 Main Stars and 12 of its stars has planets. The brightest star in Andromeda is Alpheratz (Alpha Andromedae). Information About Andromeda Stars inside Andromeda are: Alpha Andromedae, Beta Andromedae, Upsilon Andromedae, Delta Andromedae, Mu Andromedae, 51 Andromedae, Xi Andromedae, Kappa Andromedae, 56 And, 14 And, Ross 248, HD 16175, Zeta Andromedae, WASP-1, Nu Andromedae, Phi Andromedae, 32 And, V455 Andromedae, Psi Andromedae, HD 5608, HD 15082, RX And, 36 And, HAT-P-53, HD 1605, Omicron Andromedae, NGC 206, Groombridge 34, Lambda Andromedae, Epsilon Andromedae, Pi Andromedae, R And, 28 And, Rho Andromedae, HAT-P-6, UY And, Tau Andromedae, 3XMM J004301.4+413017, TW And, BQ And, CI And, IU And, FI And, AA Andromedae, CV And, VY And, DP And, V603 And, HD 556, KO And and HL And. Galaxies inside Andromeda are: Andromeda (Andromeda Galaxy), Andromeda I, Andromeda II, Andromeda III, Andromeda IV, Andromeda V, Andromeda X, Messier 32, Messier 110, NGC 68, NGC 891, NGC 147, NGC 185, Cassiopeia Dwarf, Andromeda XXII, Donatiello I, Pegasus Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy, NGC 404, 3C 66B, NGC 27, NGC 80, NGC 71, NGC 83, NGC 214, NGC 21, NGC 93, NGC 48, NGC 20, NGC 97, NGC 76, NGC 43, NGC 69, NGC 49, NGV 74, NGC 94, NGC 70, NGC 13, NGC 39, NGC 67, NGC 79, NGC 86, NGC 72, NGC 81, NGC 160, NGC 90, NGC 184, NGC 19, NGC 109, NGC 19, NGC 108, NGC 112, NGC 149 and NGC 169. More Information about Andromeda Andromeda's origins dates back to The Classical World Tradition and the particular stars of Andromeda have been seen as a woman in more Ancient times in Babylonia. In The Classical World Andromeda was also known as Persea, The Wife of Perseus and Cepheis, The Daughter of Cepheus. In The Main Classical World Tradition, Andromeda is the daughter of The Queen of Ethiopia, Cassiopeia. Queen Cassiopeia would boast about Andromeda as her most fair daughter who was even more beauteous than the Sea Nymphs known as The Nereids. This peeved The god of The Sea, Storms and Horses Poseidon who then commanded The Sea Monster Cetus to attack Ethiopia. The Father of Andromeda, Cepheus, went forth to Omniscience Oracle of Ammon for the answer of what he must do to save his Kingdom, Ethiopia. The Oracle of Ammon told Cepheus that he must sacrifice his daughter, Andromeda, in order to save his kingdom. Hearing this, Cepheus hastily went and chained Andromeda next to the sea in order to die at the will of Poseidon. She seemed to be doomed until The Hero Perseus rescued her from her sealed fate. He did this by using Medusa severed head to turn the monster Cetus to stone. In other version Perseus used a diamond sword to slice and kill Cetus. Either way, after this event Perseus and Andromeda went forth and married one another and had 9 offspring. When Andromeda passed away, Athena placed her in the night sky to honor her where she lay to this day.
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