Phoenix is a constellation in the night sky that borders Hydrus, Fornax, Sculptor, Tucana, Grusand Erindanus. Phoenix has 4 Main Stars and 10 of its star have planets. Phoenix's brightest star is Alpha Phoenicis or Ankaa. Info on Phoenix Stars inside Phoenix Constellation are: Alpha Phoenicis, Beta Phoenicis, Gamma Phoenicis, Epsilon Phoenicis, Kappa Phoenicis, Delta Phoenicis, Zeta Phoenicis, Eta Phoenicis, Psi Phoenicis, Mu Phoenicis, Iota Phoenicis, HD 222095, Lambda1 Phoenicis, Nu Phoenicis, Phi Phoenicis, Pi Phoenicis, Chi Phoenicis, Sigma Phoenicis, Upsilon Phoenicis, Rho Phoenicis, HD 6245, HD 2490, HD 8651, HD 10934, Lambda2 Phoenicis, HD 224865, HD 3158, HD 12296, HD 2726, HD 142, Tau Phoenicis, Xi Phoenicis, HD 4391, HD 13940, HD 4293, BD Phoenicis, HD 3750, HD 221323, HD 221323, HD 224022, HD 3303, Theta Phoenicis, HD 11332, Omega Phoenicis, HD 11332, HD 4304, HD 9414, HD 15064, HD 2724, HD 11022, HD 220802, AW Phoenicis, SX Phoenicis, AE Phoenicis, AI Phoenicis, AD Phoenicis, RV Phoenicis, YZ Phoenicis and BPM 30551. Galaxies inside Phoenix Constellation are NGC 87, NGC 88, NGC 89 and NGC 92. Rise of the Phoenix The Phoenix Constellation dates back to Ancient Arabia though to the Arabs it was seen as either an Ostrich, A Eagle or a Griffin. Phoenix Constellation is the largest of 12 other constellations marked by Dutch-Flemish Astronomer Petrus Plancius. The Phoenix is a colossal bird of fire who when dies, rising again as a hatchling to live once more.
Draco, also known as Dragon, is a constellation in the night sky which borders the constellations: Hercules, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Boötes, Camelopardalis, Lyra, Cygnus and Cepheus. Draco is Latin for Dragon. Draco has 14 Main Stars and 19 of its total stars has known planets. Draco's brightest Star is Gamma Draconis or Eltanin. Info about Draco The Stars of Draco are: Alpha Draconis (Thuban), Beta Draconis, Gammis Draconis(Eltanin), Iota Draconis, Xi Draconis, Delta Draconis, Eta Draconis, Zeta Draconis, Mu Draconis, Nu Draconis, Sigma Draconis, Epsilon Draconis, Lambda Draconis, Psi1 Draconis, 42 Draconis, Kepler-10, Omicron Draconis, Chi Draconis, Theta Draconis, GSC 03549-02811, Kappa Draconis, Upsilon Draconis, 10 Draconis, GD 356, Phi Draconis, 18 Draconis, 19 Draconis, 20 Draconis, Gliese 687, 39 Draconis, GRW +70 8247, HD 167042, HD 139357, Alruba, Qatar 1, 41 Draconis, G 240-72, GJ 625, 40 Draconis, 16 Draconis, Pi Draconis, 7 Draconis, BY Draconis, Tau Draconis, 15 Draconis, Rho Draconis, R Draconis, 8 Draconis, Omega Draconis, 45 Draconis and e Draconis. The Galaxies within Draco are: The Draco Galaxy (The Dragon Galaxy or Draco Dwarf), Tadpole Galaxy, NGC 5866, NGC 5907, NGC 5879, PGC 39058, 3C 305, 3C 401, 3C 390.3, 3C 249.1, UGC 9391, 3C 319, KKR 25, NGC 4236, Messier 102, NGC 6340, NGC 6503, NGC 4319, NGC 5949, NGC 5982, NGC 4125, NGC 6412, NGC 5985, NGC 3147, NGC 5678, NGC 5965, NGC 4121, NGC 4589, NGC 6786, NGC 6090, NGC 6621, NGC 6670, NGC 6286, NGC 4513, NGC 6286, NGC 6789 and NGC 6373. The Dragon Draco has its origins in The Classical World and The Roman World. In The 100's, Draco was included as one of 48 Constellation in Almagest by The Roman Astronomer Ptolemy. The Classical World saw Draco as Ladon, The Dragon in charge of protected The Golden Apples The Hesperides. In The 12 Labors of Hercules, Hercules slaughtered Ladon in order to steal one of The Golden Apples. Also Draco can be seen in The Classical World as The Typhon, a Titan son of Gaia. In another The Classical World Tradition and The Roman World Tradition, Draco is seen as The Dragon, who was a member of The Gigantes, who fought The Olympic gods for 10 Years. The Dragon was defeated by Minerva, The goddess of Wisdom, Trade, Strategic Warfare, Sponsor of The Arts and Strategy, when she threw The Dragon into the celestial sky, twisting and freezing it. Introduction
Fornax, also known as The Furnace, is a constellation bordering the constellations: Phoenix, Sculptor, Cetus and Eridanus. Fornax is Latin for Furnace. Fornax has two main stars and 6 of its stars have planets. Fornax Constellation's brightest star is Alpha Fornacis. Info on Fornax Stars inside of Fornax are Alpha Fornacis, Beta Fornacis, HIP 13044, HD 20782, HD 20781, LP 944-20, 2MAss J02431371-2453298, UDF 2457, Nu Fornacis, HR 858, HD 20868, Diya, Epsilon Fornacis, Zeta Fornacis, Omega Fornacis, Phi Fornacis, R Fornacis, Pi Fornacis, HD 14412, Lambda1 Fornacis, Gamma1 Fornacis, Tau Fornacis, CD-32 828, S Fornacis, Delta Fornacis, Eta3 Fornacis, Z Fornacis, X Fornacis, HD 15634, Eta2 Foranis , UX For, Chi3 Fornacis, HD 16307, Gliese 76, Rho Fornacis, Gamma2 Fornacius, Mu Fornacis, Chi1 Fornacis, T Fornacis, U Fornacis, Iota2 Fornacis, AE For, Chi2 Fornacis, W Fornacis, HD 14810, Psi Fornacis, Sigma Fornacis, UZ Fornacis, Eta1 Fornacis, V Fornacis and NGC 1378. Galaxies within Fornax are: Fornax Galaxy(Fornax Dwarf), NGC 1399, NGC 1316, NGC 1365, NGC 1404, NGC 1387, NGC 1344, NGC 1350, NGC 1386, NGC 1379, NGC 1427, NGC 1380, NGC 1317, NGC 1381, NGC 1374, NGC 1049, NGC 1375, ESO 358-54, NGC 1436, ESO 358-61, NGC 1460, IC 335, IC 1993, NGC 1336, NGC 1389, NGC 1351, NGC 1382, IC 1919, NGC 1380A, NGC 1326A, NGC 1339, NGC 1428, NGC 1428, NGC 1326, NGC 1425, NGC 1326 B, NGC 1341, NGC 1310, NGC 1366, NGC 1369, NGC 1484, NGC 1406, IC 1913, NGC 13809, NGC 1398, NGC 1097 and NGC 1351A. The Furnace Fornax received its name in 1756 by French Astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille. At first Nicolas Louis de Lacaille named it The Chemical Furnace or le Foureau Chymique in French. Later Nicolas shortened the name to just le Fourea or The Furnace. Introduction
Puppis, also known as The Poop Deck, is a Constellation that is part of bigger constellation, Argo Navis. Puppis borders constellations: Pictor, Hydra, Monoceras, Vela, Columba, Canis Major, Carina and Pyxis. The Poop Deck has 9 main stars, 6 in which hath planets. The Brightest Star in Puppis is Zeta Puppis or Naos. Info about Puppis Stars within the bounds of Puppis are: Naos(Zeta Puppis), π Puppis, Rho Puppis, Tau Puppis, Nu Puppis, Sigma Puppis, Xi Puppis, C Puppis, HD 64440, 3 Pup, HD 63922, 11 Pup, HD 64760, Omicron Puppis, 16 Pup, L2 Puppis, HD 69142, NS Pup, HD 70060, HD 60532, V Pup, QW Pup, QZ Pup, K1 Pup, HD 61330, K2 Pup, 1 Pup, HD 64740, NV Pup, HD 59890, HD 60863, PU Pup, Q Pup, 19 Pup, HD 68601, HD 56456, Chi Puppis, MX Pup, KQ Pup, A Pup, HD 70555, HD 61831, HD 59612, OU Pup, H Pup, HD 51799, HD 61772, HD 50235, 20 Pup, HR 3079, HR 2770, 4 Pup, HR 2998, HR 2462, HD 60584, HD 52092, HR 3035, N Pup, 12 Pup, OS Pup, NW Pup, HR 2719, HR 3002, HR 2548, O Pup, 9 Pup, 6 Pup, HR 3283, C Pup, HR 3037, HR 3140, F Pup, MZ Pup, HD 49591, HR 2384, E Pup, HR 3043, HR 3043, HR 3315, HR 3183, 171 G Pup, HR 3114, HD 59635, HR 2981, OW Pup, HR 3085, HR 3326, 5 Pup, 18 Pup, MY Pup, PT Pup, 10 Pup, PR Pup, G Pup, D Pup, QS Pup, M Pup, Qu Pup, 2 Pup A, NO Pup, 14 Pup, pY Pup, 22 Pup, T Pup, Qy Pup, OX Pup, PQ Pup, R Puppis and 2 Pup B. Mop The Poop Deck Puppis Constellation owes its origins to The Classical World. Puppis is The Poop Deck of The Ship Argo Navis, which was sailed by Jason and The Argonauts. Jason and The Argonauts sailed the seas before The Trojan War in search of The Golden Fleece. Introduction
Gemini, also known as The Twins or Castor and Pollux, is a constellation in the night sky of Earth that borders the constellations: Orion, Taurus, Lynx, Cancer, Canis Minor, Auriga and Monoceros. Gemini has 8 and 17 Main Stars with 8 of them having planets. The Brightest Star in Gemini is Pollux. Info on Gemini The Stars inside of Gemini are Pollux, Castor, Gamma Geminorum, Delta Geminorum, Mu Geminorum, Eta Geminorum, Epsilon Geminorum, Zeta Geminorum, Xi Geminorum, Kappa Geminorum, Lambda Geminorum, Tau Geminorum, Geminga, Iota Geminorum, Theta Geminorum, Upsilon Geminorum, 1 Geminorum, U Geminorum, Gliese 251, Omicron Geminorum, 38 Geminorum, PSR J0659+1414, Sigma Geminorum, WD J0651+2844, HAT-P-20, HD 50554, HD 59686, 30 Geminorum, Nu Geminorum, 8 Gem, 16 Gem, 6 Gem, R Geminorum, TV Geminorum, Phi Geminorum, 37 Geminorum, Omega Geminorum, 35 Gem, 3 Geminorum, π Gem, IC 2173, NZ Gem, 25 Gem, 19 Gem, 48 Gem, 68 Geminorum, 63 Gem, 65 Gem, OU Geminorum, 9 Gem and 10 Geminorum. Oh my gosh, you're such a Gemini Gemini Constellation dates back to The Classical World, The Roman World and Ancient Babylon. In The Roman World, The Roman Astronomer Claudius Ptolemy describes Gemini as one of the 48 constellation that he details in The 100's AD. In The Classical World and Ancient Babylon, Gemini Constellation is seen as The Great Twins Pollux and Castor. In The Classical World Religion, Castor and Pollux were the spawn of The Argonauts and Leda. Pollux was The Son of The King of The gods, Zeus; and Castor was the son of The King of Sparta, Tyndareus who was also Leda's Husband. Pollux and Castor are known for protecting sailors during St. Elmo's Fire, a weather pattern in which Plasma is made by a Corona Discharge from a sharp object inside a mighty electric field in the sky. One day, Castor died since he was mortal and the immortal Pollux asked his Father Zeus, to restore The Aloha in Castor and to give him immortality. Zeus accepted Pollux's plea and Pollux and Castor were united in The Heavens, Space, for all of eternity. Introduction
Aquila, also known as The Eagle, is a Constellation in the night sky of Earth that borders other constellations: Sagitta, Hercules, Ophiuchus, Serpens Cauda, Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Delphinus. Aquila in fact, is Latin for Eagle. Aquila has 10 main stars which 9 have Planets. Info on Aquila Aquila's Stars are Altair, Gamma Aquilae, Beta Aquilae, Eta Aquila, Theta Aquilae, Lambda Aquilae, Epsilon Aquilae, Delta Aquilae, 15 Aquilae, Xi Aquilae, V603 Aquila, Iota Aquilae, 71 Aquilae, HD 183263, HD 192699, R Aquilae, HD 179079, HD 192263, 14 Aquilae, GRS 1915+105, 14 Sagittae, V1472 Aquilae, HR 7135, V605 Aquilae, V1339 Aquilae, V1291 Aquilae, V923 Aquilae, V450 Aquilae, Omicron Aquilae, 31 Aquilae, V1401 Aquilae, CoRoT-2, HD 182475, Pi Aquilae, Nu Aquilae, VB 10, Aquila X-1, W43A, V1494 Aquilae, V604 Aquilae, V500 Aquilae, SGR 1900+14, Mu Aquilae, Kappa Aquilae, PSR J1951+1123, Upsilon Aquilae, 69 Aquilae, 70 Aquilae, 12 Aquilae, IRC+10420 and V1429 Aquilae. Other notable objects inside Aquila Constellation are: Phantom Streak Nebula (NGC 6741), NGC 6803, NGC 6804, NGC 6781, NGC 6709, NGC 6755 and B143-4. Aquila's Story Aquila is Latin for Eagle. Despite this fact however, Aquila Constellation dates back to The Classical World and Ancient Babylon. In The Roman World, Aquila was one of 48 constellations mentioned by The Roman Astronomer Claudius Ptolemy in The 100's. In The Roman World, Aquila was also known as Vultur Volans, Flying Vulture in Latin. In The Classical World and The Roman World, Aquila is seen to be the Eagle that carries Zeus's or Jupiter, The King of The gods, Lightning Bolts. In The Hindu World, Aquila is seen as the half eagle half human god Garuda. In Ancient Egypt, Aquila is seen as Horus's Falcon. |
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