Gemini, also known as The Twins or Castor and Pollux, is a constellation in the night sky of Earth that borders the constellations: Orion, Taurus, Lynx, Cancer, Canis Minor, Auriga and Monoceros. Gemini has 8 and 17 Main Stars with 8 of them having planets. The Brightest Star in Gemini is Pollux. Info on Gemini The Stars inside of Gemini are Pollux, Castor, Gamma Geminorum, Delta Geminorum, Mu Geminorum, Eta Geminorum, Epsilon Geminorum, Zeta Geminorum, Xi Geminorum, Kappa Geminorum, Lambda Geminorum, Tau Geminorum, Geminga, Iota Geminorum, Theta Geminorum, Upsilon Geminorum, 1 Geminorum, U Geminorum, Gliese 251, Omicron Geminorum, 38 Geminorum, PSR J0659+1414, Sigma Geminorum, WD J0651+2844, HAT-P-20, HD 50554, HD 59686, 30 Geminorum, Nu Geminorum, 8 Gem, 16 Gem, 6 Gem, R Geminorum, TV Geminorum, Phi Geminorum, 37 Geminorum, Omega Geminorum, 35 Gem, 3 Geminorum, π Gem, IC 2173, NZ Gem, 25 Gem, 19 Gem, 48 Gem, 68 Geminorum, 63 Gem, 65 Gem, OU Geminorum, 9 Gem and 10 Geminorum. Oh my gosh, you're such a Gemini Gemini Constellation dates back to The Classical World, The Roman World and Ancient Babylon. In The Roman World, The Roman Astronomer Claudius Ptolemy describes Gemini as one of the 48 constellation that he details in The 100's AD. In The Classical World and Ancient Babylon, Gemini Constellation is seen as The Great Twins Pollux and Castor. In The Classical World Religion, Castor and Pollux were the spawn of The Argonauts and Leda. Pollux was The Son of The King of The gods, Zeus; and Castor was the son of The King of Sparta, Tyndareus who was also Leda's Husband. Pollux and Castor are known for protecting sailors during St. Elmo's Fire, a weather pattern in which Plasma is made by a Corona Discharge from a sharp object inside a mighty electric field in the sky. One day, Castor died since he was mortal and the immortal Pollux asked his Father Zeus, to restore The Aloha in Castor and to give him immortality. Zeus accepted Pollux's plea and Pollux and Castor were united in The Heavens, Space, for all of eternity.
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