The Atlas, also known as S/1980 S 28, Saturn XV or R/2004 S 1, is a moon orbiting Saturn named after The Classical World Titan famous for holding The World over his head, one reason why a book of maps of The World is called an Atlas. Atlas has a mass of (6.60±0.45)×10^15 Kilograms, a Volume of 14,400 kilometers cubed, a mean radius of 15.1 kilometers and a mean density of 0.46 gram per centimeter cubed. Atlas has a surface gravity of 0.0002 meters per second squared with an escape velocity of around 0.0062 kilometers per second. Atlas has zero axial tilt and temperature of around 81 Kelvin or negative 192.15 degrees Celsius. Profile of Atlas Atlas was discovered on October 1980 by American Astronomer Richard John Terrile using Voyage 1. Atlas was named after The Classical World Atlas due to it holding rings on its shoulders. Atlas has somewhat of a spherical center surrounded by a large, smooth equatorial ridge. It takes Atlas 0.6016947883 Earth Days to Orbit Saturn. The Classical World Atlas Atlas was named after The Classical World god/titan Atlas. After The War between The Olympian gods and The Titans, known as Titanomachy, where The King of The gods Zeus battled his father Kronos for the title of The King of gods, Atlas was punished to hold up the celestial heavens for eternity, so bascially everything which The World Aloha calls The World.
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