Deep in Space is a darkness and despair so deep that even light and Joy cannot escape its grasp. The heavy weight of its force is more than anything in existence can deal with. You cannot see it for it is the king of darkness, the absence of light, the destroyer of all the bring vision to Aloha. All thou can see of it, is the dying light it steals from thy eyes sight. It is a Black Hole. Supernovae Start Supernovae of all types come from either Giant or SuperGiant Stars. A Supernova is a Super Powerful Awesome Space Star Explosion that is beautiful and awe inspiring. New Stars can be created by The Creator Supernova. A Supernova usually gives more than it takes, at least when it ends up becoming a Neutron Star. But what is it called when it takes more than it gives, essentially becoming materialistic and lacking a Transcendent Existential Purpose? Well, it's called a Black Hole. Black Hole When The Load on The Supernova is great enough, it will collapse in on itself. When this occurs all light and matter near it cannot escape its gravitational pull. Once you get caught, its over, you are trapped for eternity. There are a load of theorizes of what happens to the light and matter after it is captured varies and we do not know for sure. I will explore multiple theories in separate articles in the future. Conclusion A Supernova becoming a Neutron Star is like Virtue. It gives more than it takes and ends up beautiful even after death of its glory, its legacy is sealed. A Black Hole is like Vice, for it consumes all things around it endlessly and to no greater purpose. It captures and keeps all in its grasp for all eternity without relent. This goes to show the difference between Virtue and Vice and the real nature of Freedom. True Freedom is The Freedom to Pursue Virtue while The Freedom to commit Vice is not Freedom, for Vice imprisons the individual and the collective.
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