The Cigar Galaxy, by another name is called Messier 82, M82, NGC 3034, UGC 5322, Arp 337, PGC 28655, 3C 231, is a Starburst Galaxy, like The Baby Boom Galaxy, inside The Ursa Major Constellation, like The Pinwheel Galaxy. The Cigar Galaxy gets its distinct name from it resemblance to that of a Cigar and Cigarette. The Cigar Galaxy is located 12.4 Million Light Years from Earth. Messier 82 has a radius of 60 Light Years and a mass of 2400 Billion Solar Masses. Profile of Cigar Galaxy The Cigar Galaxy was discovered on December 31st, 1774, by German Astronomer Johann Elert Bode. Johann described Messier 82 as a Nebulous Patch with a very pale and elongated shape. The Cigar Galaxy is 13.24 Billion Years Old and has around 1 trillion Stars. Before 2005, NGC 3034 was believed to be an irregular galaxy but two symmetrical spiral arms were discovered with Near-Infrared (NIR) images. One Supernova located inside of The Cigar Galaxy is SN 2014J which is classified as a Type 1A Supernova. SN 2014J was discovered in January of 2014.
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