Dagon World, also known as Dagon or Fomalhaut b, is an exoplanet located in The Piscis Austrinus Constellation. Dagon is around 25 Light Years away from Earth. Dagon orbits around The Type A Main Sequence Star Fomalhaut. Dagon is a small mass planet with an orbital period of around 1700 Earth Years and is 110 Astronomical Units away from Fomalhaut. Dagon was discovered on November 13th, 2008 by Kalas et al on The Hubble Space Telescope. It is uncertain what the nature of Dagon World is, due to unclear imaging. It would seem that Dagon is less than twice the mass of Jupiter and is surround in a dust and gas spherical cloud. On the other hand, Dagon could also be surrounded by debris from a recent collision of other celestial objects which is causing the appearance of a surrounding spherical dust cloud.
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