Grus, also known as Crane, is a constellation in the night sky that borders Tucana, Phoenix, Indus, Piscis Austrinus, Sculptor and Microscopium. Grus has 8 main stars and 6 of its stars has planets. The brightest star in Grus is Alnair (Alpha Gruis). Information about Grus Stars within Grus are: Alnair (Alpha Gruis), Beta Gruis, Gamma Gruis, Epsilon Gruis, Iota Gruis, Delta1 Gruis, Zeta Gruis, Delta2 Gruis, Theta Gruis, Lambda Gruis, Mu1 Gruis, Rho Gruis, Eta Gruis, Mu2 Gruis, Xi Gruis, HD 211415, Kappa Gruis, Nu Gruis, Omicron Gruis, Phi Gruis, HD 207129, Pi2 Gruis, Tau3 Gruis, BZ Gruis, Pi1 Gruis, Gliese 832, BC Gruis and U Gruis. NGC 7552, NGC 7582, IC 5201, NGC 7424, IC 1459, NGC 7599, NGC 7213, NGC 7070A, NGC 7418, NGC 7079, NGC 7097, NGC 7144, NGC 7232, NGC 7145, NGC 7421, NGC 7462, NGC 7075, NGC 7117, IC 5264, IC 5128, NGC 7410. More information about Grus The Origins of Grus are not of it being its own constellation, but being part of its neighbor constellation, Piscis Austrinus, as Grus was seen as The Fish's Tail. It would be Introduced as its own constellation later on in the late 1500's AD by Dutch-Flemish Astronomer Petrus Plancius who made it so by the observations of both Dutch Navigator Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Dutch Explorer Frederick de Houtman.
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