Lupus, also known as Wolf, is a constellation that borders Hydra, Norma, Scorpius, Circinus, Libra and Centaurus. Lupus has 9 main stars and 5 stars have planets. Info on Lupus Lupus's stars are: Alpha Lupi, Beta Lupi, Gamma Lupi, Epsilon Lupi, Delta Lupi, Zeta Lupi, Eta Lupi, Iota Lupi, Rho Lupi, Pi Lupi, Chi Lupi, Lambda Lupi, Theta Lupi, Mu Lupi and Omicron Lupi. Story of Lupus Lupus is Latin for Wolf. Lupus is one of the constellations listed in the list of 48 Constellations listed by Roman Astronomer Ptolemy in The 100's AD. In The Ancient World, Lupus was seen as an asterism inside of Centaurus Constellation. It was believed that Lupus was an animal either killed or about to be killed by Centaurus or on command by Centaurus.
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