Norma, also known as The Carpenter's Square, is a constellation in Space that borders Scorpius, Lupus, Ara, Circinus and Triangulum Australe. Norma has 4 Main Stars and 4 of its stars has planets. The brightest star in Norma is Gamma2 Normae. Information about Norma Stars within Norma are: Gamma2 Normae, Epsilon Normae, Eta Normae, S Nor, HD 142415, Mu Normae, Kappa Normae, R Nor, Delta Normae, HD 143361, HD 330075, HD 148156, Iota1 Nor, Gamma1 Normae, XTE J1550-564, SCR J1546-5534, 1E 161348-5055, T Nor, IM Nor, RT Nor, RZ Nor, QU NOr, V378 Normae, 2MASS J154043.42-510135.7, Lambda Normae, HD 143183, Theta Normae, Iota2 Nor, Zeta Normae, HD 141318, U Nor, X Nor, Y Nor, V Nor, Z Nor, W Nor, Gliese 615 and Gliese 604. More Information about Norma Norma is Latin for Normal. Norma was introduced in 1751 by French Astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacille who gave it the name I'Equerre et la Regle which is French for The Square and Rule.
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