Orion Nebula, also known as Messier 42, M42, NGC 1976, LBN 974 and Sharpless 281, is a Diffuse Nebula located inside The Milky Way Galaxy and The Orion Constellation. In Older text The Orion Nebula is referred to as The Great Nebula or The Great Orion Nebula! The Orion Nebula is The Brightest Nebula in the sky and can even been seen by The Naked Eye! The Orion Nebula has a mass 2000 fold that of The Sun with a radius of 12 Light Years, a diameter of 24 Light Years and is located 1344 Light Years from Earth. Profile of Orion Nebula It is speculated that in Central America, that The Mayan Civilization first discovered The Orion Nebula due to description of it being written on their Three Heart Stones Creation Story. The discovery of The Orion Nebula's diffuse Nebula nature, was French Astronomer Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc on November 26th, 1610. The Orion Nebula is noted for teaching man much about the nature of how stars and planetary system are created by collapsing clouds of gas and dust in space. Inside The Orion Nebula, Astronomers have observed many space phenomena such as Brown Dwarfs, Protoplanetary disks and Turbulent motions of gas. The Orion Nebula is a stellar nursery and new stars are being created within it's realm all the time!
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