Star Wars Galaxy, also known as Star Wars and TXS 0128+554, is a Emission Galaxy located in the Cassiopeia Constellation. Star Wars Galaxy is located 500 Million Light Years from Earth. Star Wars Galaxy was discovered in 2015 by NASA and in 2020 was noted as looking like Darth Vader's Tie Fighter in Star Wars, prompting The World Aloha to officially name TXS 0128+554, Star Wars Galaxy of August 28th, 2020 a little after 8 Am CST. Star Wars Galaxy is held together by a Supermassive Black Hole. Star Wars Galaxy was discovered using NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope where TXS 0128+554 was discovered due it being a faint source of gamma ray energy. Later on, NASA zoomed in on TXS 0128+554 One Million fold and that's where it looks like a Star Wars Tie Fighter. So now The World Aloha Officially names TXS 0128+554, Star Wars Galaxy!
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