Tycho's Supernova, also known as SN 1572, HR 92, SN 1572A, SNR G120.1+01.4, SNR G120.2+01.4, 1ES 0022+63.8, 1RXS J002509.2+640946, B Cas, BD+63 39a, 8C 0022+638, 4C 63.01, 3C 10, 3C 10.0, 2C 34, RRF 1174, 1XRS 00224+638, 2U 0022+63, 3A 0022+638, 3CR 10, 3U 0022+63, 4U 0022+63, AJG 112, ASB 1, BG 0022+63, CTB 4, KR 101, VRO 63.00.01, [DGW65] 3, PBC J0024.9+6407, F3R 3628, WB 0022+6351, CGPSE 107 and GB6 B0022+6352, is a Type 1A Supernova located inside The Cassiopeia Constellation. Tycho's Supernova is inside The Milky Way Galaxy. Tycho's Supernova is from 8000 to 9800 Light Years from Earth. Tycho's Supernova appeared in November 1572, The same year England and France sign an anti-Spanish Military Convenant.
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