Bears are huge, powerful, strong, monstrous beast. Any thought of taking on one hand-to-hand is a fruitless dream. It would destroy thee faster than thou canst say Canis Major. Big Dipper The Big Dipper is a part of the bigger Constellation Ursa Major. The Big Dipper looks like a Large Pot where you could cook Rice, or Pasta or even Soup. Even in the most light polluted areas, the big dipper is easy to spot in the night sky if thou art facing in its direction. Big Bear The Big Dipper is only a part of the true constellation, Ursa Major. Ursa Major is Latin for Large Bear. Ursa Major is set in The North Sky. The Galaxies with Ursa Major are Messier 109, Messier 81, Pinwheel Galaxy, Messier 82, Messier 108, Ursa Major 1 Dwarf, NGC 3953, NGC 3726, Ursa Major II Dwarf, UGC 6923, NGC 3077, NGC 4051, NGC 3893, NGC 5474, NGC 4088, UGC 6969, NGC 2841, NGC 3949, NGC 3877, NGC 3079, NGC 4157, NGC 5585, NGC 3718, NGC 5477, NGC 3631, NGC 4013, NGC 4010, NGC 3938, NGC 3184, NGC 5204, NGC 4100,Messier 105, NGC 4085, NGC 3917, NGC 3769, NGC 3972, NGC 4026, NGC 4389, NGC 3998, NGC 4102, Messier 94, NGC 3310, Messier 63, NGC 2976, NGC 3729, Messier 106, NGC 5471, NGC 5195, NGC 2787, NGC 4183 & GN-z11. The Stars within Ursa Major are Alpha Ursae Majoris, Epsilon Ursae Majoris, Mizar, Alcor, Eta Ursae Majoris, Beta Ursae Majoris, Gamma Ursae Majoris, Delta Ursae Majoris, 47 Ursae Majoris, Mu Ursae Majoris, Winnecke 4, Nu Ursae Majoris, Lambda Ursae Majoris, Kappa Ursae Majoris, Theta Ursae Majoris, Chi Ursae Majoris, Psi Ursae Majoris, Lalande 21185, Alcor A, US 708, iPTF14hls, XTE J1118+480, GJ 3512, W Ursae Majoris, Groombridge 1618, 61 Ursae Majoris, Groombridge 1830, COS82, 78 Ursae Majoris, HD 68988, HD 80606, HAT-P-3, HD 118203, J1124+4535, HIP 57274, Alcor B, 37 Ursae Majoris, HD 102956, 16 Ursae Majoris, SU Ursae Majoris, 36 Ursae Majoris, HD 89744, 37 Lyncis, 41 Lyncis, AN Ursae Majoris, Phi Ursae Majoris, VY Ursae Majoris, 15 Leonis Majoris, 23 Ursae Majoris, Tau Ursae Majoris & HD 78209. The Legend of The Great Bear The Traditional Classical World Religion and Traditional Roman Religion, Jupiter (Zeus) commits adultery with Callisto who is a nymph of Diana(Artemis) the patroness of hunters, crossroads, the countryside and The Moon. Juno(Hera) places a curse on the bastard child begotten from this affair. This curse turn him into a Bear. Jupiter eventually puts Arcas, The bastard child ' the bear' into the sky; creating Ursa Major. Jewish Traditions Ursa Major was thought to be the bear of The Jewish People. Northern Europeans saw Ursa Major as Otava which mean Salmon weir. The Ancients of The Finns believed that the bear lowered a golden basket then it was killed and the head laid on a tree. Eventually the spirit of the bear would return to Ursa Major.
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